16.27.010 Findings of need.
   In addition to the requirements of Chapter 16.26, the Boards of Trustees of both the Corona-Norco Unified School District and the Alvord Unified School District have requested assistance to help ameliorate what they assert to be the adverse effects of new residential developments on their educational facilities and services. This Council finds that, in the absence of such assistance from developers of new residential subdivisions within the City of Corona, the Corona-Norco and Alvord Unified School Districts will not have sufficient financial and other resources to provide adequate educational facilities and services to this city’s residents, and that therefore, without such mitigating assistance, such new residential developments would be inconsistent with the city’s General Plan, would not comply with the California Environmental Quality Act and would be inimical to the health and general welfare of city residents.
(`78 Code, § 16.27.010.) (Ord. 1739 § 1 (part), 1984.)