16.25.140 Deferral and waivers.
   (A)   The City Council is empowered to grant deferrals or waivers of any fee imposed by this chapter upon request, after notice and hearing, if in the opinion of the City Council, properly supported by specific findings, deferral would allow a better or more fair financing arrangement to be developed and imposed, or where waiver is required because imposition of such fee or fees would cause undue hardship.
   (B)   Findings must include facts supporting deferral or waiver, including, without limitation, findings that in the case of deferral:
      (1)   Other properties to be benefitted by any fee will not be burdened by the review and delay in fee imposition;
        (2)   Alternative financing methods involving more than one owner have been proposed for review; and
      (3)   Delay will result in a more fair funding arrangement; and, in the case of waiver the owner will receive little or no benefit from the fee imposed and would therefore be required, if the fee were imposed, to pay more than his or her fair share for the benefit received.
(`78 Code, § 16.25.140.) (Ord. 2388 § 10, 1999; Ord. 1988 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1944 § 1 (part), 1989.)