16.25.080 Community facilities plan reimbursement – Findings.
   The City Council finds as follows.
   (A)   The proposed subdivision and development of property in South Corona has necessitated compilation and analysis of extensive community information at a significant cost to the City of Corona resulting in the South Corona Community Facilities Plan which was adopted on July 6, 1988.
   (B)   Implementation of the South Corona Community Facilities Plan has involved substantial effort and cost on the part of the city to the benefit of those landowners seeking to develop property in the South Corona Area.
   (C)   The actual estimated cost of creation and implementation of the South Corona Community Facilities Plan is $410,144.
   (D)   Pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 66000 et seq. and its police powers, the city is empowered to enact a fee by ordinance for the purpose of paying the actual or estimated cost of establishing a comprehensive Community Facilities Plan.
   (E)   All properties benefitting from implementation of the Community Facilities Plan should be assessed and pay a fair share of the cost thereof based on the benefit derived therefrom.
   (F)   The Council also finds that the costs of the Community Facilities Plan are apportioned relative to the anticipated impacts created by development within the South Corona area and that the fees are fairly apportioned throughout those areas on the basis of benefits conferred on property proposed for development or the need for such Community Facilities Plan created by the proposed development.
   (G)   The facts and evidence presented establish that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the described Community Facilities Plan and the impacts of the types of development on which the fee will be imposed and that there is a reasonable relationship between the fee’s use and the types of development for which the fee is charged.
   (H)   The Council also finds that the cost estimate set forth herein is a reasonable cost estimate for developing and implementing the Community Facilities Plan, and the fees expected to be generated by new development will not exceed the total of these costs.
   (I)   The Community Facilities Plan fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be used only to reimburse the city for costs expended in development and implementation of the Community Facilities Plan.
(`78 Code, § 16.25.080.) (Ord. 1944 § 1 (part), 1989.)