16.25.010 Purpose and applicability.
   The City Council declares the purpose of this chapter is to provide for the orderly, fair and fiscally sound development of property located within the South Corona area subject to the South Corona Specific Plan in order to promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Corona and to comply with the law. This chapter shall apply solely to construction of new dwelling units and new commercial, industrial and office facilities. This chapter shall not apply to the following:
   (A)   Projects for which a final map, as described in Chapter 16.16 of the Corona Municipal Code, has been duly approved by the City Council and recorded as of the effective date, provided the project is built in conformance with the final map and provided the project has paid all applicable development impact fees previously imposed.
   (B)   Secondary residential units, as defined herein, constructed on developed residential property meeting all state and city requirements for such units.
   (C)   Additions or improvements to dwelling units after construction is complete, unless such additions or improvements; (1) increase the number of dwelling units on the property, as defined herein, and (2) are not secondary residential units, as defined herein.
   (D)   Government/ public buildings, public schools, or other public facilities.
   (E)   The rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of any legal, residential structure, and/or the replacement of a previously existing dwelling unit.
   (F)   The rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of any non-residential structure where there is no net increase in square footage of the structure. Any increase in square footage of the structure shall pay the current applicable development impact fees for such increase.
   (G)   Development projects that are the subject of a development agreement entered into pursuant to Government Code Section 65864 et seq. prior to the initial effective date of this chapter, wherein the imposition of new fees is expressly prohibited; provided, however, that if the term of such development agreement is extended after the initial effective date of this chapter, the development impact fees shall be imposed.
   (H)   Development projects with an approved tentative subdivision map(s) or recorded lots that are vested pursuant to California Government Code sections 66498.1 through 66498.9 or other applicable law vesting the development project and affecting the collection of development impact fees.
   (I)   Guest dwellings, accessory living quarters, or guesthouses, as defined in Title 17 of the Corona Municipal Code.
   (J)   The sanctuary portion of a church building other than a house of worship that is eligible for a property tax exemption.
   (K)   The moving of a historic residential structure from a lot in the city onto another lot. For purposes of this subsection a “historic residential structure” shall be defined as a residential structure located in the city of Corona that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the California Register of Historic Resources, the Corona Heritage Inventory List or the Corona Register.
(`78 Code, § 16.25.010.) (Ord. 2727 § 4, 2004; Ord. 2630 § 5, 2003; Ord. 2338 § 5, 1997; Ord. 2024 § 1, 1991; Ord. 2988 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1944 § 1 (part), 1989.)