16.16.070 Surveying data – Final map.
   The final map shall show the centerlines of all streets, the length, tangent, radius and central angle or radial bearings of all curves, the bearing of radial lines to each lot corner of a curve, the total width of each street, the width of the portion thereof being dedicated, the width of existing dedications and the width of each side of the centerline and the width of rights-of-way of railroads, flood control or drainage channels and other easements appearing on the map. Surveys in connection with the preparation of subdivision maps shall be made in accordance with standard practices and principles for land surveying. A traverse of the boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and blocks shall close within a limit of error of one foot in 10,000 feet of perimeter.
(`78 Code, § 16.16.070.) (Ord. 1522 § 2 (part), 1978.)