16.12.070 Change in map conditions before final map.
   After the tentative map is approved according to state law and this title, no change to the wording or impact of any tentative map condition shall be made except by means of a resubmitted tentative map or a planning director letter modification.
   (A)   Resubmitted tentative map. The city shall establish regular procedures for the resubmittal of approved tentative maps when a substantive change in one or more conditions or in subdivision design is sought by the subdivider, but when in the reasonable judgment of the Planning Director the changes are not so sweeping as to require an entirely new subdivision map submittal. A new environmental assessment shall be done if the modified condition may have any adverse environmental effect. The Commission and the Council may consider the proposed changes without considering the resubmitted map in its entirety unless the environmental assessment so mandates. The resubmitted map shall be considered a new application for purposes of the Permit Streamlining Act. Except as is provided in Section 16.12.030, a fee shall be charged to cover the costs of such resubmittal.
   In order to allow the city to process a resubmitted tentative map pursuant to this section, prior to resubmitting the map, the subdivider must decide to waive all subdivision map approval time limits in the Subdivision Map Act and must notify the city of such waiver by letter. Neither the City Council nor staff shall take any part in the determination by the subdivider whether to waive such time limits.
   The life of the original map, together with any changes approved through a resubmittal, shall be measured from that date of approval of the original map.
   (B)   Planning Director letter modification. When a nonsubstantive change in a map condition is sought by the subdivider, the Planning Director, following consultation with other affected city departments, may exercise reasonable discretion and approve such change without need for notice or hearing. A fee shall be charged to cover the costs of such letter modification. For purposes of this section, "nonsubstantive" shall mean minor in scope and impact, and not a change which upon reasonable and careful examination by the planning director is likely to lead to a meaningful change in environmental effects or an increase in density.
   (C)   Appeal of Planning Director decisions. Any decision made by the Planning Director under this section can be appealed by the subdivider or by any interested party to the Planning Commission for final determination. A fee shall be charged to cover the costs of such an appeal.
(`78 Code, § 16.12.070.) (Ord. 1984 § 1, 1990.)