15.56.170 Assessment of property owner – Notice.
   Upon filing of the report by the Director with the City Clerk, the City Clerk shall transmit it to the Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Board shall fix the day, hour and place when it will hear and pass upon the report, together with any objections or protests which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such repair or demolition and any other interested persons. At least ten days before the date set for the hearing, the City Clerk shall cause copies of the Director’s report and a notice of the filing of his or her report, containing a description of the property sufficient to enable the persons served to identify it and specifying the day, hour and place when the Board will hear and pass upon the report, and any objections or protests thereto, to be posted and served in the manner and upon the persons specified in § 15.56.070.
(`78 Code, § 15.56.170.) (Ord. 1824 § 9, 1987.)