15.48.020 Requirements – Designated.
   (A)   (1)   No applicant for a building permit to erect, construct, replace or relocate a building or structure, or to enlarge or make an addition to an existing building or structure, which enlargement or addition exceeds 650 square feet in area, shall be granted a building permit for such work until he or she has agreed in writing to construct the following public improvements within a period of time established by the city’s principle planning and building official, or his or her authorized representative, subject to the provisions of § 15.48.040, or in lieu of constructing street lights and fire hydrants, has paid a charge, as provided by division (F) of this section: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveway approaches, adequate base courses for street paving, street barricades, redwood headers, street lights, fire hydrants, catch basins and stormwater drain wipes. Except as provided otherwise in this chapter, and except for street lights and fire hydrants, all public improvements required under this chapter shall be constructed alone the entirety of that portion of the subject property which constitutes a frontage contiguous to a public street. Street lights and/or fire hydrants shall be constructed in those locations as determined by the City Engineer and Fire Chief in accordance with a general plan therefor. All public improvements required to be constructed by this subsection, and any other provisions of this chapter, shall be in accordance with the city’s standards therefor at the time of the application for the building permit.
      (2)   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this subsection, the provisions of this subsection as to any of the designated public improvements shall not apply if the improvement exists at the time of the building permit application, and it has been determined by the City Engineer that at the time the improvement is in accordance with the city’s standards and planned location therefor, and it is not reasonably necessary that such improvement be reconstructed, altered, enlarged or relocated for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of users and occupants of the building or structure for which the application is sought or of the immediate neighborhood in which the building or structure is proposed, or if the building or structure is to be located within those portions of development areas 2A and 2B (as designated in the land use element of the General Plan) which are also included within the A zone.
      (3)   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this subsection (A), the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any enlargement or addition to an existing building which consists solely of a canopy or carport with fewer than three sides, or of an awning. This paragraph shall not operate to relieve an applicant from the requirement to obtain a building permit and pay any fees that are not established pursuant to this subsection.
      (4)   The designated public improvements may be deferred upon the granting of a building permit for buildings or structures within areas covered by specific area plans, if such installation is guaranteed by improvement security permitted by the Subdivision Map Act, and if street dedications, survey monumentation and a safe and adequate a domestic water supply to city standards are provided at the time of building permit issuance. However, notwithstanding the above, all enumerated public improvements shall be required upon the granting of a building permit for nonresidential buildings or structures within specific area plans and for buildings or structures abutting Ontario Avenue which are within specific area plans.
   (B)   Any combination of permits issued within a 12 month period which provide or result in enlargements or additions of 650 square feet, or more, to an existing building or structure shall be considered as a single permit for the purpose of applying the requirements of this section.
   (C)   Where existing driveway depressions or approaches are abandoned or are not required for access to the property because of the proposed improvements, they shall be removed and replaced with adequate curb, gutter and sidewalk meeting the city’s specifications.
   (D)   In addition to the other improvements required in this chapter, the applicant for the building permit shall do all grading necessary to install the improvements and shall at his or her own expense relocate or remove all structures, utilities, trees, irrigation lines and other objects within the right-of-way which interfere with the installation of the improvements.
   (E)   Where additional street or alley right-of-way is required in order to properly align the required improvements with existing or planned improvements on the same block frontage or in accordance with the planned street lines established in conformance with the matter plan of land use, streets and highways or in accordance with existing or planned alley right-of-way or to provide corner cut-offs, the applicant shall dedicate the necessary right-of-way, provided that these requirements for dedication of additional right-of-way shall apply only when permits are issued for the construction of new buildings and shall not apply to any additions or enlargement of any existing structure.
   (F)   (1)   If the City Engineer has determined that the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of the proposed building, as described in the building permit application, or their invitees and guests, or of the local neighborhood in which the particular building or structure is proposed or of the general public, will not be endangered by the nonconstruction of a street light and/or fire hydrant or by the replacement, reconstruction, relocation, enlargement or alteration of a street light and/or fire hydrant and has further determined that the owner of the subject property or his or her predecessor in interest thereto, neither constructed a street light and/or a fire hydrant to service the property or has not paid a street light and/or fire hydrant construction charge as provided in this division; the applicant, in lieu of constructing the street light and/or fire hydrant shall pay to city, in full, a construction charge for a future street light and/or fire hydrant prior to a building permit being issued to applicant. The amount of the construction charge and the manner of payment thereof shall be as established by resolution of the City Council or any amendments thereto.
      (2)   Any construction charge paid under this chapter to the city for street lights and/or fire hydrants shall be deposited by the city in separate special funds entitled "street light fund" and "fire hydrant fund," respectively. The moneys in the street light fund shall be used by the city only for the construction, replacement, alteration, relocation or reconstruction of street lights in that local area of the city wherein is located the property for which the charges were paid. The City Council shall establish such local areas. The moneys in the fire hydrant fund shall be used by city only for the construction, replacement, alteration, relocation or reconstruction of fire hydrants in that local area of the city wherein is located the property for which the charges were paid. The City Council shall establish such local areas.
(`78 Code, § 15.48.020.) (Ord. 2987 § 2, 3, 2009; Ord. 2231 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1554 § 1, 1979; Ord. 1479 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1162 § 2, 1977.)