15.40.050 Duties of permittee.
   (A)   After the granting of an application and prior to the issuance of any permit, the applicant shall execute and file with the Building Department his promise to complete the work shown by the plans and specifications, or otherwise required, within the reasonable time allowed by the Planning Director, together with a faithful performance bond payable to the city in the amount of one hundred 25% of the estimated cost of the work, or such other amount approved by the Planning Director. Termite control work may be required at the discretion of the Building Official.
   (B)   The applicant shall also arrange with the Police Department for traffic control, and with the owners of utilities for the protection or temporary relocation of said utilities. Such arrangements may include the deposit of such amounts of money as are necessary to pay the cost of such work. Certificates that such arrangements have been made shall be filed by the applicant with the Public Works Department, together with a good and sufficient bond payable to the city in the amount of twenty-five hundred dollars to secure payment of damage to any street, tree, or utility caused by such moving, and also of the costs of protective work done by the city or owner of any utility installation which is in excess of the amounts deposited.
   (C)   The applicant shall also secure from the Building Department all building permits that are required by the building code.
   (D)   The Public Works Department shall issue the permit authorized on granting the application, upon compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The filing of either or both of the bonds mentioned in this section may be waived by the Building Official, with the approval of the City Manager, if other adequate bonds have been provided.
(`78 Code, § 15.40.070.) (Ord. 2727 § 1, 2004; Ord. 2047 § 4 (part), 1991.)