(A) The Building Official shall forthwith proceed to inspect the building, and the Planning Department shall analyze the proposed location thereof and shall issue a report on the application to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Upon receiving the report, the Secretary of the Board shall forthwith notify the owners of all real property lying within five hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed location of said building that they may object thereto by filing written objections with the Planning Department during the period of ten days following the date of said notice, but that only written objections will be considered.
(B) Upon the expiration of the time allowed for filing objections, the Board of Zoning Adjustment shall hear and decide the application. In deciding the application, the Board shall consider all objections filed, the Building Official's report, the Planning Department's report, and all written information submitted by the applicant. The Board may approve the application, approve it with conditions, or deny it. However, the Board shall deny the application if it finds:
(1) That the permit is one to move a building from one fire zone in the city to a more highly restricted fire zone, or from a location outside of the city to any fire zone within the city, and that the applicant has not made satisfactory provision to make the building comply with all of the requirements of all codes for a new building in that fire zone; or
(2) The building in its proposed location will be an unsafe building, as that term is used in the building code; or
(3) That the value of property in the neighborhood of the proposed location of the building will be depreciated thereby, or that an existing condition of substandard dwellings in a neighborhood will be materially aggravated thereby, or that the public health or welfare will be otherwise endangered thereby.
(4) If the application is granted, no permit may be issued during the period of ten days thereafter.
(`78 Code, § 15.40.040.) (Ord. 2727 § 1, 2004; Ord. 2047 § 4 (part), 1991.)