15.40.010 Moving Building Permit – Requirement – Fee.
   (A)   No person shall move any building within, into, from or through the city without first obtaining a moving building permit as provided in this chapter. Applications for moving building permits must be made at the Building Department nad the following filing fees paid upon making each application.
      (1)   The fee for filing an application for a permit to move a building from or through the city is set by resolution and is payable to the Planning Department.
      (2)   The fee for filing an application for a permit to move a building within or into the city is set by resolution and is payable to the Planning Department; provided, however, that if the distance between the building and the office of the Building Department is more than ten miles, the fee shall be increased at the rate of $0.50 per mile for each mile that said distance exceeds ten miles. If the application is approved, an additional fee of $15 must be paid prior to the issuance of the permit.
   (B)   The building moving permit and the fee mentioned in this section is in addition to the building permit and building permit fee provided by the Building Code.
(`78 Code, § 15.40.010.) (Ord. 2727 § 1, 2004.)