The following regulations shall apply to cellars.
(A) In addition to the requirements stated in this chapter, every cellar shall be constructed in accordance with regulations established by the Agency.
(B) Except during drilling and servicing operations, such cellars shall be kept free from water, oil drilling fluids or other substances which might constitute a safety hazard.
(C) The depth of the cellars shall be the vertical measurement between the lowest point of the floor area in the bottom of such cellar and the lowest point of ground or any surface adjacent to the top of the cellar wall.
(D) All multi-well cellars exceeding three feet in depth and 25 feet in length shall have two separate means of entrance or exits; provided, however, that if the cellar exceeds 50 feet in length, one of the means of entrance or exits shall be a stairway. If the cellar exceeds 200 feet in length, a third means of entrance or exits shall be provided.
(E) Multi-well cellars shall have a steel grate cover with no unobstructed openings in excess of three inches. Materials, equipment or oil appurtenances and oil production implements shall not be stored or placed on the grating so as to interfere with the escape of gases and vapors.
(`78 Code, § 14.20.040.)