12.28.160 Stopping – Parking.
   Whenever it becomes impossible or impractical to move or remove an overload from the city public streets or places, detour signs and warning lights approved by the Director shall be so placed as to make the stopping or parking of such overload safe for regular traffic on the streets or places. The Director and city’s Chief of Police shall be so notified immediately by the permittee or the mover of the overload that such overload will be parked or stopped. Any of the city officers may require such overload to be moved or removed, if possible, to a place he or she deems safe for such overload and other traffic on the streets or placed. Possession of a valid overload permit does not exempt vehicles from the provisions of Chapter 10.20 of the code.
(`78 Code, § 12.28.150.) (Ord. 3061 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 2138 § 1 (part), 1992.)