12.24.090 Denial of a reservation.
   (A)   The Director may deny the application if it finds that any of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   The application reveals that the city has inadequate physical facilities to accommodate the proposed use;
      (2)   The proposed activity or use of the facility or equipment will unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general public use of public parks, recreation buildings/facilities, amenities and/or equipment;
      (3)   The proposed activity would violate federal, state or local law;
      (4)   The applicant refuses to agree in writing to comply with all the conditions in the permit;
      (5)   The applicant has failed to file a timely application unless waived by the Director.
   (B)   The Director may, at any time, suspend or revoke a permit issued pursuant to this chapter when he or she has reasonable cause to believe that a permittee has violated or is causing or permitting a violation of this chapter, including the conditions set forth by the Director granting the permit or any pertinent federal, state and/or local law or when it has been shown to his or her satisfaction that the activities so permitted are being conducted in a manner detrimental to the public health, peace, safety or welfare of the city. The Director may also suspend or revoke any such permit if the permittee misrepresented, falsified or concealed any material fact in the application.
   (C)   In the event that the request is denied, suspended or revoked, the applicant will be notified in writing as to the cause. The decision may be appealed pursuant to Chapter 1.09 of this code.
(`78 Code, § 12.24.090.) (Ord. 3337 § 3 (part), 2021; Ord. 3160 § 2 (part), 2013; Ord. 2303 § 1 (part), 1996.)