12.20.030 Selling merchandise on street, sidewalk – Permit required.
   (A)   No person shall occupy a portion of any street or sidewalk, alley or other public place, for the purpose of selling merchandise or commodities of any kind, unless permission is first obtained from the Chief of Police, revocable at pleasure; provided, that no permit shall be granted unless the applicant files with his or her application the written consent of the occupant of the abutting property, together with the written consent of the occupants of the adjoining property for 50 feet each way on the same side of the street; provided that no permit shall be granted to occupy the street corners and crossings.
   (B)   No person other than a nonprofit organization possessing a valid license issued pursuant to § 9.20.120 shall sell any merchandise or commodities at a special event or within 100 yards of any special event or parade route on the day of the special event or parade.
(`78 Code, § 12.20.030.) (Ord. 1797 § 3, 1986; Ord. 1632 § 1, 1982.)