10.20.110 Peddling and soliciting near schools.
   (A)   Peddling and soliciting near schools. No person shall solicit or peddle by placing, keeping, maintaining, stopping, parking, conducting or allowing to stand at any time within 300 feet of the nearest property line or any property upon which a school building is located during the hours that the school is being attended by students or within 30 minutes prior to the attendance hours of such school or within 30 minutes after the attendance hours of such school any lunch, meal or eating cart, stand, wagon or vehicle or any stand, cart, wagon or vehicle of any kind used in the selling, vending, soliciting or peddling of candy, ice cream, popcorn, peanuts, fruit, vegetables or any other edibles or merchandise; provided, however, that any such person who shall place, keep, maintain, stop, park, conduct or allow to stand or remain in or upon any street, alley, park of other public place beyond 300 feet of the nearest property line or any property upon which a school building is located, any such stand, cart, wagon or vehicle may do so for a reasonable period time, not to exceed ten minutes, but shall not make a second stop after moving from the last place of parking, stopping or standing within a distance of 100 feet from the last place of parking, stopping or standing; and provided, further, that this section shall not apply to persons engaged in delivering goods, wares and merchandise from or to any store, fixed place of business or residence; and provided further, that any person engaged in peddling and soliciting fruits, vegetables or other edibles and merchandise from house to house may stand a vehicle in front of any dwelling house only for the purpose of selling or soliciting the sale of such fruits, vegetables or other edibles or merchandise to the occupants of such dwelling house; and provided further, that nothing provided in this division shall prohibit the sale of newspapers.
   (B)   Prohibitions. It is unlawful for any person who is peddling or soliciting by wagon, cart, automotive vehicle or any other type of conveyance:
      (1)   To stop the conveyances anywhere within 25 feet of a street intersection when making a sale or attempting to make a sale;
      (2)   To drive or propel the conveyance backwards or make or attempt any sale;
      (3)   To sell to any person who is standing in a street or alley;
      (4)   To permit a person to hang on such conveyance or permit any person to ride in or on the conveyance except a bona fide assistant of such peddler or solicitor.
(`78 Code, § 10.20.110.) (Ord. 1506 § 1 (part), 1978.)