9.31.110 Land use entitlements – Conditions.
   In approving subdivision maps, conditional use permits, variances or other land use entitlements, the city may impose any or all of the following conditions for the purpose of controlling graffiti:
   (A)   Use of anti-graffiti materials on surfaces exposed to public view acceptable to the City Manager and kept on file at the Department of Community Development;
   (B)   Use of landscaping to screen or provide a barrier to surfaces prone to graffiti;
   (C)   Right of access by city to remove graffiti;
   (D)   Applicant or permittee supply the city with graffiti removal material on demand such as matching paint for a period of two years from final approval or permit issuance;
   (E)   Applicant or permittee shall immediately remove any graffiti.
(`78 Code, § 9.31.110.) (Ord. 2152 § 1 (part), 1993.)