9.16.080 Action to be taken by City Attorney.
   Upon a specific finding by resolution of the City Council of the fact that a public nuisance exists at a particular location, the City Attorney shall:
   (A)   Forthwith, but not later than five working days after passage of the resolution, commence legal proceedings under Civil Code §§ 3491, 3494 and 3496 and Code of Civil Procedure § 731 by the filing of a civil action seeking the following relief:
      (1)   An order that the subject matter identified by the City Council in the resolution is obscene as defined herein;
        (2)   An order that each place named by the City Council is a public nuisance and that the action taken by the City Council to revoke the licenses issued to that place of business was lawful;
      (3)   An injunction enjoining and restraining all persons maintaining the nuisance from possessing or publicly exhibiting the obscene motion picture films or from selling or possessing for sale the obscene motion picture films or publications at any time in the future in the City of Corona and such other injunctive relief as the court may order;
      (4)   An order that all positive prints of such obscene motion picture films and obscene publications or copies or reproductions thereof be forfeited as derivative contraband;
      (5)   An accounting of all moneys paid as admission price to the exhibition or exhibitions of such obscene motion picture films and valuable consideration received for the sale of such obscene motion picture films or obscene publications from and after the time the person or persons maintaining the nuisance receive a copy of the resolution of the City Council’s finding that a public nuisance exists and a judgment that such moneys are derivative contraband and gain derived from a wrongful act under Civil Code § 2224 and a public nuisance;
      (6)   An order that all admission price moneys or valuable consideration received and enumerated in the court ordered accounting be declared to be derivative contraband and forfeited as required by law;
      (7)   Judgment for the City of Corona for all costs expended in abating the public nuisance, including investigative costs, court costs, reasonable attorney fees and such other expenses as are provided for herein; and
      (8)   All other relief as the court may deem proper.
   (B)   File a notice of the pendency of the action in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Riverside, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 409, giving the names of the parties, the object of the action and a description of the property thereby affected.
(`78 Code, § 9.16.080.) (Ord. 1689 § 1, 1983.)