(A) Hazardous materials inventory update. The owner or operator of a business that is subject to the requirements of this chapter shall update and submit to CERS its hazardous materials inventory pursuant to Cal. Code of Regulations Title 19, §§ 2654 and 2655, as amended or superseded.
(B) Review and update to the business plan. At least once every year, the owner or operator of a business that is subject to the requirements of this chapter shall certify to the DEH and the Fire Department that a review of the business plan was made and that any necessary changes have been made to the plan. Any changes to the business plan shall be submitted electronically to CERS.
(C) Changes to business plan. The owner or operator of a business that is subject to the requirements of this chapter shall update the business plan and the hazardous materials inventory disclosure form and submit such updates electronically to CERS within 30 calendar days as required by the HSC. In addition, the owner or operator of a business that is subject to the requirements of this chapter shall update the business plan when any of the following events occur:
(1) Change of mailing address or phone number.
(2) Change of emergency contact person or emergency contact phone number.
(Ord. 3281 § 1 (part), 2018.)