(A) Manner of handling. No person or business shall cause or allow the handling of hazardous materials:
(1) In a manner that violates any provision of this chapter;
(2) In a manner that causes an unauthorized release of hazardous materials; or
(3) In a manner that poses a significant risk of unauthorized release of hazardous materials.
(B) Correction of unsafe conditions. Whenever the owner or an employee of a business discovers or becomes aware of any condition involving the storage, use or handling of hazardous materials that is likely to cause injury to the public, employees of the business, or damage to either property or the environment, the owner or operator of the business shall immediately correct that condition. If the condition is a hazard likely to cause serious injury or death to the public, employees, or is a hazard likely to cause substantial damage to property or the environment, the business owner shall immediately cease the operation of the unsafe portion of the business until the unsafe condition has been corrected.
(C) Storage. The owner or operator of a business where hazardous materials are stored shall accomplish all of the following:
(1) Physical separation of materials. The separation or protection of a hazardous material from any other material of factor that may cause or contribute to a fire, explosion, production of a flammable, toxic, or poisonous gas, or the deterioration of any primary or secondary containment required.
(2) Physical separation from building. Hazardous materials storage areas shall be separated by distance or physical barriers from residences and other buildings when the quantities of materials or their hazardous characteristics constitute a fire or health hazard, per the California Fire Code, Chapter 50, Outdoor control areas.
(3) Restricted access. Hazardous materials handling areas shall be secured against unauthorized entry.
(4) Warning signs. Hazard identification signs specified and in conformity with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 704 shall be placed in locations where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used or handled in quantities requiring a permit by either the Fire Code and/or HSC. Signs shall be placed at entrances to the business and business property and locations where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used or handled. Aboveground storage tanks containing a hazardous material shall be posted with the appropriate NFPA Standard 704 sign(s), on a visible side or sides, and such signs shall be readable. For the purpose of this section, the term “Aboveground storage tank” shall exclude mobile containers.
(5) Posting and labeling. The following areas of the business premises shall be posted with the appropriate signage as required by NFPA Standard 704 and Chapter 15.12
of this Code: entrances and exits; hazardous materials storage areas; emergency equipment; and pesticide storage areas. Emergency contact information shall be posted in a conspicuous location. Containers holding hazardous materials shall be labeled as to the contents. Other information may be required on the label by the Fire Department as stipulated in the business’s current business plan.
(6) Safety data sheets. Safety data sheets as defined in Cal. Code of Regulations Title 8 shall be readily accessible electronically or maintained on the business premises for each hazardous material stored or handled at the facility.
(7) Employee training. Initial employee training as required by Chapter 6.95 shall be conducted prior to handling hazardous materials regulated by this chapter. Documentation shall be maintained available for inspection.
(8) California Fire Code. To the extent that more specific requirements are otherwise established in the California Fire Code, as adopted and amended in Chapter 15.12
of this Code, the storage, transportation, handling or use of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with the such requirements.
(`78 Code, § 8.40.040.) (Ord. 3355 § 2, 2022; Ord. 3281 § 1 (part), 2018; Ord. 2688 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 1815 § 1 (part), 1986.)