6.12.130 Dogs in parks.
   (A)   The following rules and regulations shall apply to dogs in city parks, including dog park areas:
      (1)   Unless otherwise prohibited by this code, dogs may be permitted in or on any public playground or public park in the city if on a leash not to exceed six feet in length and under the immediate care and control of its owner or keeper who is competent to exercise care, custody and control thereof.
      (2)   No owner or keeper of a dog in a city park shall fail or refuse to immediately pick up and properly dispose of the feces of such dog. Proper disposal shall include the placement of such feces in a bag or other container and its disposal in an appropriate depository or waste receptacle.
      (3)   Children 14 years of age and younger must be accompanied and supervised by a person at least 18 years of age while in a dog park area, and such children are not permitted to run, shout, scream, wave their arms, or otherwise excite or antagonize dogs in a dog park area.
      (4)   No person may have more than two dogs in a dog park area at any one time.
      (5)   Any dog in a dog park area must be visible and under the voice control of the person having custody of such dog while the dog is in the dog park area.
      (6)   No dogs are permitted in a dog park area except during posted hours of operation.
      (7)   Every dog in a dog park area shall be over the age of four months and shall be duly licensed and vaccinated. The owner or keeper of a dog in a dog park area must be able to produce upon request by proper authorities, licensing and vaccination records for the dog.
      (8)   No person shall place a dog that is sick or in heat in a dog park area.
      (9)   No person shall place an aggressive dog, of any breed, in a dog park area even if such dog is on a leash.
      (10)   The owner or keeper of a dog in a dog park area shall quiet the dog if the dog barks excessively.
      (11)   No person shall bring any animal other than a dog to a dog park area, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Library and Recreations Services Director.
      (12)   The use of a dog park area by an owner or keeper of a dog shall constitute agreement by that person to follow all applicable rules and his or her agreement to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the city and its officials, officers and employees from any claim, damage or injury to property or persons (including wrongful death) arising from or in connection with such use.
   (B)   The provisions of this section do not apply to the possession, charge, custody or control of an official police dog while the dog is on duty.
(`78 Code, § 6.12.170.) (Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 2581 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2419 § 3, 1999; Ord. 2118 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1769 § 1, 1985; Ord. 1722 § 6, 1984; Ord. 1665 § 4, 1982.)