6.12.058 Microchipping of dogs and cats - Sale, trade or adoption.
   (A)   An owner or custodian who offers any microchipped dog over the age of eight (8) weeks for sale, trade, or adoption, whether or not for compensation, is encouraged to provide its microchip number and valid dog license number with the offer of sale, trade or adoption. The license and microchip numbers should also appear on a document transferring the dog to the new owner. Within ten (10) business days after the transfer, the owner or custodian is also encouraged to advise the Animal Control Bureau of the name and address of the new owner or custodian in accordance with § 6.12.056 above.
   (B)   An owner or custodian who offers any microchipped cat over the age of eight (8) weeks for sale, trade, or adoption, whether or not for compensation, is encouraged to provide its microchip identification number with the offer of sale, trade or adoption. The microchip number should also appear on a document transferring the cat to the new owner. Within ten (10) business days after the transfer, the owner or custodian is also encouraged to advise the Animal Control Bureau of the name and address of the new owner or custodian in accordance with § 6.12.056 above.
(Ord. 3246 § 10, 2016)
6.12.060 Certificate of vaccination - Required.
   Except as provided in § 6.12.070(C) below, the Animal Control Bureau shall not issue or renew a dog license unless presented with a valid certificate of vaccination or other satisfactory evidence indicating that the period of time elapsing from the date of vaccination to the date of expiration of the license being issued or renewed does not exceed the life of that vaccine, as established by the State of California and County of Riverside Health Department. No owner or keeper of a dog required to be licensed under this chapter shall own or keep such dog without a valid certificate of vaccination.
(`78 Code, § 6.12.020.) (Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 1722 § 1, 1984.)
6.12.070 Certificate of vaccination - Contents - Reporting - Exemption.
   (A)   A certificate of vaccination shall include the name, address and telephone number of the dog’s owner; the name of the dog; a description of the dog, including breed, color, distinctive markings, and sex; date of vaccination; the type of rabies vaccine administered; the name of the manufacturer; and the lot number of the vaccine used. Such certificate shall bear the signature of the veterinarian administering the vaccine or a signature authorized by such veterinarian. In addition, such certificate shall be stamped, printed or typed with the veterinarian’s name, address and telephone number for legibility.
   (B)   (1)   Any veterinarian who administers a rabies vaccination or supervises the administering of a rabies vaccination shall provide the Animal Control Bureau with either a copy of the vaccination certificate required by this chapter or all of the following information:
         (a)   The full name and residence address of the owner of each vaccinated dog;
         (b)   The name, age, sex, species, breed and color of each dog that has been vaccinated;
         (c)   The date the vaccination was administered;
         (d)   The type of vaccination used and the vaccine’s expiration date; and
         (e)   The name of the veterinary clinic and veterinary license number of the veterinarian administering or supervising the vaccination.
      (2)   The information required by this section shall be sent to the City of Corona Animal Control Bureau within 30 days of the administering of the rabies vaccination. The information requested may be transmitted in the form of a paper copy or in an electronic format approved by the city. The information shall be considered confidential and shall not be used, released or distributed for any purpose except to ensure compliance with existing federal, state, county or city laws or regulations, as set forth in Cal. Health and Safety Code § 121690.
   (C)   In lieu of a certificate of vaccination, an exemption request approved by the county animal control department may be substituted, provided it meets all applicable state and county laws, rules and regulations. No person shall allow any dog so exempt from rabies vaccination to run at large or be led about on any public property on a leash at any time, and the dog shall be restricted to the securely enclosed yard of the owner.
(`78 Code, §§ 6.12.020, 6.12.030.) (Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 1722 § 1, 1984.)
6.12.080 Certificate of vaccination - Maintenance and presentation - Unlawful possession.
   (A)   Every owner or keeper of a dog which is required by the provisions of this chapter to be licensed and vaccinated shall at all times maintain the certificate of vaccination in a secure location which can be accessed easily and presented to an animal control officer upon request.
   (B)   Only those persons who own or keep the dog duly vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall possess the certificate of vaccination, and no person shall make use of or have in his or her possession a stolen or counterfeit certificate of vaccination.
(`78 Code, § 6.12.130.) (Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 1722 § 10, 1984.)
6.12.090 Dog tags - Issuance - Affix to collar - Duplicate - Unlawful possession.
   (A)   At the time of issuance of the license, the Animal Control Bureau shall issue a dog tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the number corresponding with the number of the license certificate.
   (B)   Every owner or keeper shall ensure that each dog not kept in a kennel wears a collar or other harness to which the license tag must be permanently affixed, and they shall see that the collar or other harness and tag are continuously worn by the dog.
   (C)   In case a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued by the Animal Control Bureau upon presentation of the receipt showing payment of the license fee for the current license period and upon payment of a fee established by resolution of the City Council for the issuance of such duplicate tag.
   (D)   No person shall transfer any dog tag from one dog to another or place a dog tag upon any dog except the dog for which it was issued. No unauthorized person shall remove any current valid dog tag from any dog. No person shall place upon or attach to a dog any false, counterfeit or unauthorized dog tag for the purpose of evading the provisions of this chapter. Only those persons who own or keep the dog duly vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall possess the dog tag, and no person shall make use of or have in his or her possession a stolen or counterfeit dog tag.
(`78 Code, §§ 6.12.050, 6.12.100, 6.12.120, 6.12.130.) (Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 1722 §§ 3, 7, 9 and 10, 1984.)
6.12.100 Presentation of documents and tags upon request.
   (A)   No owner or keeper of a dog for which a license is required shall fail or refuse to present a license, certificate of vaccination or dog tag required by this chapter upon demand of an animal control officer or others employed by the city to enforce this chapter.
   (B)   No owner or keeper of a dog or cat which has been implanted with an identifying microchip shall fail or refuse to provide the information included in § 6.12.056(A) above upon demand of an animal control officer or others employed by the city to enforce this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 6.12.110.) (Ord. 3246 § 11, 2016; Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 1722 § 8, 1984.)
6.12.110 Commercial kennels.
   (A)   Every person engaged in the business of operating a commercial kennel as defined in Chapter 6.04 shall obtain an annual license from the Animal Control Bureau and shall pay a license fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council per year or fraction thereof. The fee required by this section is in addition to a business license fee required by Chapter 5.02 of this code. No license issued hereunder shall confer any vested right to any person for more than the license period.
   (B)   All dogs kept in a commercial kennel shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter upon attaining the age of four months.
   (C)   The sale of each dog by a commercial kennel before it has attained the age of four months shall be reported on a form to be furnished by the Animal Control Bureau, which form shall include information as to the name and address of the person to whom the dog is sold, a description of the dog, age of the dog and such other pertinent data as the Animal Control Bureau may require.
   (D)   The Chief of Police, for just cause upon establishing a violation of this chapter, shall have the power to deny, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license issued to a commercial kennel. When the Chief of Police concludes that grounds for denial, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew a license exist, the Chief of Police shall cause written notice to be given to the applicant or license holder either: (1) by personal delivery; or (2) by postage prepaid first-class certified mail, with return receipt requested, and by postage prepaid first-class standard mail. Notice shall be deemed delivered when personally delivered or when deposited in the U.S. mail. The notice shall state the reasons for the proposed action, the effective date of the decision, the right of the applicant or license holder to appeal the decision pursuant to Chapter 1.09 of this code, and that the decision will be final if no appeal is filed within the time permitted. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Chief of Police with reference to the denial, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew a license may appeal pursuant to Chapter 1.09 of this code.
(`78 Code, § 6.12.140.) (Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014; Ord. 3088 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 1722 § 6, 1984.)