5.53.020 Contents of application for service permit to provide services on public property.
   Except as otherwise provided by law and in addition to all other permits required by law, all individuals or organizations desiring to provide services to 12 or more clients and/or prospective clients on public property in the city, except those providing services at occasional events, shall file with the Parks and Community Services Department, a written application for a service permit. The service permit shall be limited to the provision of services on one day per month per service provider for a maximum period of three months, after which time the written application may be renewed. Each application or renewed application shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Name. The name of the individual or organization registering to provide the services.
   (B)   Type and purpose. The type and purpose of the services.
   (C)   Structure. Whether the individual or organization registering is a natural person, partnership, corporation, or association, and:
      (1)   If a natural person, the person's business or residence address and telephone number.
      (2)   If a partnership, the names of all the partners and principal business address and telephone number of each partner.
      (3)   If a corporation, whether it is organized under the laws of California or is a foreign corporation, the mailing address, business location, and telephone number, name(s) of the individual(s) in charge of the local office of the corporation, and the names of all officers and directors or trustees of said corporation, and if a foreign corporation, the place of incorporation.
      (4)   If an association, the association's principal business address and telephone number, if any, and the names and principal business or residence addresses and telephone numbers of the officers and directors or trustees of the association. If the association is part of a multi-state organization or association, the mailing address and business location of its central office and the mailing address and business location of its local office.
   (D)   Description of services. A description of the methods and means by which the provision of the services is to be accomplished. The description shall include an exact description of the intended service area and date(s) and time(s) that the service(s) will be provided. The description shall address how the service provider will comply with the following:
      (1)   Waiting areas. The service provider shall provide adequate waiting areas within the service area for clients and prospective clients such that sidewalks and/or public streets are not obstructed;
      (2)   Toilets/restrooms. The service provider shall provide toilets and restroom facilities in a manner consistent with the Parks and Community Services Department Policies;
      (3)   Monitoring. The service provider shall continuously monitor waiting areas to inform clients and/or prospective clients whether they can be served within 30 minutes from their arrival at the service area. If they cannot be served by the service provider because of time or resource constraints, the service provider shall inform the client or prospective client of any alternative programs and locations where he or she may seek similar services;
      (4)   Designated area. The service provider shall, with its best efforts, restrict the services to the service area described in the application or provided in the service permit;
      (5)   Refuse. Service providers shall have available within the service area one or more refuse receptacles into which the service provider and clients shall place and continually contain such refuse at all times from the time of its creation and initial accumulation to the time and date of its collection and removal;
      (6)   Security. The service provider shall continuously monitor the service area and all areas within a 100 foot radius of the service area, to ensure the quiet, safety, and cleanliness of the service area and the vicinity;
      (7)   Lighting. The service provider shall provide outside lighting in a manner that illuminates outside street and sidewalk areas and adjacent parking, as appropriate;
      (8)   Food service permit. Where applicable, the service provider shall obtain and maintain a valid County of Riverside Department of Health Services permit for food service and shall provide a copy of such permit upon the request of any city officer or official;
      (9)   Sidewalks. The service provider shall maintain the sidewalks in the service area in a clean and sanitary condition. The service provider, its employees and/or volunteers shall walk a 100 foot radius from the service area two hours after providing the services and shall pick up and properly dispose of any discarded beverage and/or food containers, clothing, and any other rubbish or trash which may have been left by clients. For temporary shelter programs, the service provider shall walk a 100 foot radius from the service area no less than once every 12 hour period;
      (10)   Notices. At least one notice, in English and Spanish, shall be well lit and prominently displayed within the service area urging clients leaving the service area and surrounding neighborhood to do so in a quiet, peaceful, and orderly fashion and to not loiter or litter; and
      (11)   Parking. The service provider shall provide and maintain adequate parking for employees, volunteers, clients, prospective clients, and other visitors who drive to the service area.
   (E)   Statement of familiarity. A statement that the signers of the application have read and are familiar with the provisions of this chapter and will require all persons, volunteers, and employees authorized to engage in the provision of such services to read and be familiar with all sections of this chapter prior to providing any services.
   (F)   No endorsement. A statement to the effect that if a service permit is granted, such service permit will not be used as or represented to be an endorsement of the services by the city or any of its officers or employees.
   (G)   Application and permit for use of recreation facilities. The service permit application shall be filed with an application and permit for use of recreation facilities pursuant to § 12.24.080.
   (H)   Authorized signature. If the applicant for a service permit is a corporation, partnership, or association, the application must be signed by the person authorized to apply for permits and licenses and, under penalty of perjury, declared to contain true and correct information. If the applicant for a service permit is an individual, the application must be signed by that individual and, under penalty of perjury, declared to contain true and correct information.
(Ord. 2833 § 4, 2006; Ord. 2619 § 3, 2002.)