5.42.110 Prohibitions.
   The following limits shall be placed upon the activities of a secondhand dealer.
   (A)   No secondhand dealer shall sell or otherwise dispose of any article within 30 days after such article has been purchased or received.
   (B)   Every secondhand dealer shall retain in his or her possession for a period of 30 days all tangible personal property received. The 30 day holding period with respect to such tangible personal property shall commence with the date the report of its acquisition was made to the Chief of Police by the secondhand dealer. The Chief of Police may for good cause, as specified by the Department of Justice, authorize prior disposition of any such property described in a specific report, provided that a secondhand dealer who disposes of tangible personal property pursuant to authorization shall report the sale thereof to the Chief of Police. Early release is discretionary on the part of the Chief of Police.
   (C)   A police officer may place a hold on property acquired by a secondhand dealer in the course of his or her business for an additional period of 30 days to run subsequently to the hold period provided for in division (A) of this section, and upon release of such property, may require such secondhand dealer to keep a record of the disposition of such property. It is unlawful for any person to dispose of any property contrary to any hold order issued by a police officer.
(`78 Code, § 5.42.110.) (Ord. 1597 § 1 (part), 1981.)