5.42.030 License - Application - Issuance.
   (A)   Any person desiring to obtain a license for doing business as a secondhand dealer in the city shall make application in writing to the Chief of Police. The application shall be executed and verified by the applicant and shall set forth the following information:
      (1)   The name, age and residential address of applicant, if a natural person; or, if a corporation, its name, date and place of incorporation, address of its principal place of business and the names of all its officers, together with their respective addresses, if any person owns 10% or more of the stock of such a corporation, he or she is considered to be a secondhand dealer and must be named in the license application, or, if a partnership or association, the names of the partners or persons comprising the association, together with their respective addresses;
      (2)   The address at which the secondhand dealership is to be conducted;
      (3)   A statement as to whether or not an application for a similar license has been refused or canceled by the city or any other municipality or county in the state at any time prior to the date of the instant application; and if so, a full statement of the reasons therefor;
      (4)   The last two previous residential and/or business addresses of the applicant;
      (5)   Business, occupation or employment for the three years immediately preceding the filing of the application;
        (6)   Height, weight and color of eyes and hair of an applicant, if an individual;
      (7)   Two recent color photographs and fingerprints of applicant, if an individual, including persons owning 10% or more of a corporation applying for a license;
      (8)   Such other data and information as the Chief of Police may reasonably require for a proper review by him or her of the application. The application shall be accompanied by a fee which shall be established by resolution to defray the expenses of the city in reviewing and acting upon such application. The fee shall be in addition to any business license fee which is now or may hereafter be required to be paid by a secondhand dealer. The fee is nonrefundable.
   (B)   The Chief of Police, after a full investigation, shall submit the application to the Department of Justice. If the Department of Justice does not comment on the application within 30 days thereafter, the licensing authority may grant the applicant a license. All forms for application and license and license renewal shall be prescribed and provided by the Department of Justice. The Chief, with respect to any applicant’s character and moral integrity, shall deny an application for the license if the character, reputation or moral integrity of the applicant is found to be inimical to the public health, safety, morals or general welfare of city or if the applicant has been convicted of an attempt to receive stolen property or any other offense involving stolen property. The Chief shall issue or deny such license within 60 days from the date it is filed in his office. If the Chief grants such a license, its terms shall be for one calendar year from date of the grant. In making his or her determination, the Chief shall consider among other factors:
      (1)   All convictions, the reasons therefor and the conduct of the applicant subsequent to his or her release; and
      (2)   The license or permit history of the applicant, whether such person in previously operating as a secondhand dealer in the city or another city, county or state under a license has had such a license revoked and suspended, the reasons therefor and the conduct of the applicant subsequent to such suspension or revocation.
(`78 code, § 5.42.030.) (Ord. 2315 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 1597 § 1 (part), 1981.)