5.34.130 Sign posting.
   (A)   No peddler selling or pretending to sell or offering for sale, demonstrating goods of any kind or character or any article, material or substance shall ring the bell of, knock on the door of or attempt to gain admittance to any residence, dwelling, flat or apartment whereon a sign bearing the words "No Peddlers" is painted, affixed or exposed to public view.
     (B)   No solicitor selling or pretending to sell, offering for sale or demonstrating or taking orders for or soliciting orders for goods of any kind or character or any article, material or substance shall ring the bell of or knock on the door of or attempt to gain admittance to any residence, dwelling, flat or apartment whereon a sign bearing the words "No Solicitors" is painted, affixed or exposed to public view.
   (C)   No peddler or solicitor selling or pretending to sell, offering for sale or demonstrating or taking orders for or soliciting orders for goods of any kind or character or of any article, material or substance shall ring the bell of or knock on the door of or attempt to gain admittance to any residence, dwelling, flat or apartment whereon a sign bearing the words "No Peddlers or Solicitors" or words of similar import indicating that peddlers or solicitors are not wanted on the premises is painted, affixed or exposed to public view.
   (D)   This section shall not apply to any peddler or solicitor who rings the bell of or knocks on the door of any residence, dwelling, flat or apartment at the invitation of or with the consent of some adult member of the household of any such residence, dwelling, flat or apartment.
(`78 Code, § 5.34.130.)