5.30.130 Exemptions.
   (A)   Any outdoor festival proposed to be conducted and held on property which is owned and leased by the city and which is used for public park purposes shall not be subject to the provisions and requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   The provisions of Chapter 5.30 of this code shall not be deemed to require a license for the following:
      (1)   The use of a radio or music recording machine or juke box in any establishment;
      (2)   Music provided for members and their guests at a private club where admission is not open to the public;
      (3)   Musical activities occurring at the grand openings of businesses, where the musical activity is merely incidental to the business event;
      (4)   Music conducted in connection with a regularly established recreation park, circus or fairground;
      (5)   Musical activities conducted by or sponsored by any bona fide club, society, association, church or school which is organized for religious, educational, charitable, dramatic or literary purposes, which has an established membership, which holds regular meetings independent of such musical activity, which will conduct such musical activity on its premises where such regular meetings are held and which will devote any proceeds arising from such musical activity to the established purposes of the club, society, association, church or school;
      (6)   Neighborhood block parties with incidental musical activities which have been authorized as exempt by the City Council;
      (7)   Musical events or activities at private residences.
   (C)   Applicants for a license under this chapter, who apply under §§ 5.30.020 and 5.30.030, may seek exemption from the City Council in their application and at the public hearing on their license application. The City Council at such hearing shall determine whether the activities proposed in a license application fit within the exempt categories specified in division (B) of this section.
   (D)   The Police Department of the City of Corona shall have the power to monitor all musical events or festivals occurring in the City of Corona. The Police Department shall have the power to determine that a musical event or a festival is being conducted without a license, that such musical event or festival is not within an exempt category, and that such musical event or festival is therefore being conducted in violation of the licensing requirements. If such findings are made, the Police Department may inform those conducting the musical event or festival without a license that such event must come to an end until a proper license is obtained.
(`78 Code, § 5.30.130.) (Ord. 1694 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1680 § 5, 1983.)