5.14.130 Notice to adjacent property owners prior to installation of video services facilities.
   (A)   Any holder of a state video franchise, or city-issued cable franchise, operating within the boundaries of the City of Corona, that proposes to install above-ground facilities in the public right-of-way shall, no less than 20 days prior to installing such facilities, provide written notice to the owner of the private or public property (excluding the public right-of-way) nearest to the proposed facility. For purposes of this subsection, "above-ground facilities" shall include only those facilities that are located on the ground or on a base or pedestal that is on the ground, and shall exclude aerial or pole-mounted facilities.
   (B)   Any franchisee to which this section applies shall provide the city with a copy of the proposed form of notice to be used in compliance with subsection (A), no less than ten days prior to mailing or delivering the notice. The city may require the franchisee to amend the form of the notice. Once the city has approved the form of notice, the franchisee shall not be required to obtain additional approvals of notice from the city, so long as the franchisee does not materially deviate from the form of notice approved by the city.
(Ord. 2945 § 7, 2008.)