4.16.050 Insurance regulations.
   (A)   All businesses located on the premises of Corona Municipal Airport will maintain at least the minimum levels of insurance as approved by the city.
   (B)   All businesses that service aircraft and operate on the premises of Corona Municipal Airport will maintain at least the minimum levels of insurance as approved by the city.
   (C)   All aircraft including, but not limited to, fixed wing, helicopters, gyrocopters, ultralight/experimental, and the like, that are based on the airport, including all air vehicles that originate and/or terminate at the airport, will maintain at least the minimum levels of insurance as approved by the city.
   (D)   Aircraft certified by the airport manager to be non-airworthy and those aircraft that do not move under their own power are exempt from these requirements.
   (E)   Minimum limits of insurance as described above will be determined by the City Council or City Council Committee with recommendations from the City Risk Manager, and actual dollar limits will be designated in airport policy.
   (F)   The above insurance requirements apply to those aircraft that move under their own power.
(`78 Code, § 4.16.050.) (Ord. 2707 § 1, 2004; Ord. 2268 § 1, 1995.)