4.16.040 Fire regulations.
   The following fire regulations shall be observed:
   (A)   Every person using the airport or its facilities in any way shall use the utmost caution to prevent fire;
   (B)   No aircraft shall be fueled or drained while its engine is running or while in a hangar or other enclosed place;
   (C)   No gasoline shall be stored aboveground or brought upon the premises of the airport except by persons or corporations duly authorized by the City Council. No smoking, as defined in § 8.02.020(C) of this code, shall be permitted within 100 feet of a point where gasoline is removed from or discharged into any aircraft;
   (D)   A portable fire extinguisher of appropriate size shall be at hand when planes are being fueled and/or drained;
   (E)   No cylinder or flask of compressed flammable gas shall be kept or stored, except at such a place as may be designated by the Airport Manager and the Fire Chief;
   (F)   Aircraft fuel and all other flammable liquids, including any such liquid used in connection with the process of doping shall be stored in accordance with the city fire regulations; provided, that no such fuel or liquid shall be stored or kept inside any hangar except lubricating oils in sealed cans or containers equipped with drawing-off devices;
   (G)   The cleaning of motors or other parts of aircraft shall be carried on in any hangar, except with nonflammable substances. If flammable liquids are employed for the purpose, the operation shall be carried on in the open air and a safe distance from other aircraft;
   (H)   The process of doping shall not be carried on in any hangar or building other than those specifically approved for the purpose by the Fire Chief;
   (I)   No open fire, naked lights, blow torches, heaters welding or other causes of fire or sources of sparks shall be permitted within a distance of 100 feet while any fueling or draining operations are being conducted;
   (J)   No person shall smoke or ignite any match or cigarette lighter in any building or hangar, except in offices, waiting rooms or buildings in which smoking, as defined in § 8.02.020(C) of this code, is authorized specifically by the Airport Manager;
   (K)   No automobile or similar motor vehicle shall enter or remain inside any hangar except in connection with necessary operations and then only with the approval of the Airport Manager. Any such permission is premised on the understanding it is at the owner’s risk;
   (L)   During business hours, hangar entrances shall be kept sufficiently clear at all times to permit ready access to the building to combat fire;
   (M)   Floors shall be kept clean and free of oil, and no volatile flammable solvent shall be used for cleaning floors;
   (N)   Any spilled gasoline in enclosures shall be wiped up immediately. The cleaning rags shall be disposed of promptly and the space ventilated;
   (O)   No boxes, crates, rubbish, paper or other litter shall be permitted to accumulate in or about any hangar and all oil, paint and varnish cans, bottles or other containers shall be removed from the hangar immediately upon being emptied;
   (P)   Used and/or useless fire extinguishers must be replaced immediately and it shall be the responsibility of the owner or operator involved to do so;
   (Q)   Metal receptacles with self-closing covers shall be provided for the disposal of oily waste rags and other rubbish and the contents dumped frequently and disposed of immediately;
   (R)   All lockers shall be constructed of metal or other fire-resistant materials. No flammable liquids of any substance subject to spontaneous combustion shall be stored in any locker. The lockers at all times shall be subject to inspection for cleanliness and fire hazard;
   (S)   When any operation involving fire hazard, not specifically covered by any regulations contained in this section, constitutes an unsafe practice in the opinion of the Airport Manager, the operator shall be instructed to cease such operation immediately with formal notice in writing from the Airport Manager confirming the action. The operator may request in writing a review of the action taken after which time a Review Board consisting of the Airport Manager and the Fire Chief shall decide whether the operation constitutes a fire hazard. The verdict of the Review Board shall be final.
(`78 Code, § 4.16.040.) (Ord. 3244 §§ 2-3, 2016)