2.12.010 Attendance.
   (A)   The office of any member of a commission, board, agency or committee appointed by the Council, including, but not limited, to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Library Board of Trustees, and Parking Authority who fails to attend three regular meetings of such advisory body within a 52 week period shall become vacant when such member fails to attend a third meeting in the period; provided, however, that the absence will not constitute a failure to attend, within the meaning of this chapter, if prior to the opening of the meeting the member notified the secretary of the commission, board or, if no secretary exists, the chair of such body, that the commissioner, committee member or board member expects to be absent therefrom.
   (B)   The vacancy shall be filled pursuant to state and local law, except that the newly appointed member to the vacant office shall not be the person who held the office at the time the vacancy occurred. The 52 week period shall commence as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, and a subsequent 52 week period shall commence at the termination of the fifty-second week of the previous period.
(`78 Code, § 2.12.010.) (Ord. 2237 § 1, 1995.)
Statutory reference:
   For statutory provisions on meetings of public agencies, see Cal. Gov’t Code § 54950 et seq.