(A) Current compensation. Pursuant to Government Code § 36516, each member of the City Council shall be compensated in the amount of $800 per month.
(B) Increase. Pursuant to Government Code §§ 36516 and 36516.5, on the first day of the calendar month following the beginning of a new term of office for any member of the City Council, the compensation for all members of the City Council shall be increased to $1,900 per month.
(C) Certain other legislative bodies. The City Council may provide, by a resolution, for up to $100 per month in additional compensation for Council Members who are appointed by the City Council to serve and represent the City on a joint powers authority or other legislative body. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council shall not provide for such additional compensation if either of the following are applicable:
(1) A Council Member's compensation would exceed the maximum amount then provided for in Government Code § 36516(A) (currently $2,550); or
(2) The joint powers authority or other legislative body already provides compensation for their service, other than reimbursements for actual and necessary expenses as authorized by state law.
(`78 Code, § 2.08.120.) (Ord. 3397 § 3, 2024; Ord. 1738 § 1, 1984.)