(a)   The fee for a one-, two- or three-family residential dwelling building permit for new construction, an addition or an accessory structure having a gross total cost in excess of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00), which fee shall include the cost of inspections and the issuance of a zoning certificate and occupancy permit, if required, shall be calculated by determining the total gross cost of such new construction, addition or accessory structure, dividing the same by one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), which quotient shall then be multiplied by three dollars and seventy cents ($3.70), and the product thereof shall be the fee to be charged.
   (b)   The fee for a one-, two- or three-family residential dwelling building permit for new construction an addition or an accessory structure having a gross total cost of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) or less, which fee shall include the cost of inspections and the issuance of a zoning certificate and occupancy permit if required, shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
   (c)   The fee for a one-, two- or three-family residential dwelling building permit for the remodeling, alteration, removal, equipping or repair of any such residential dwelling, which fee shall include the cost of inspections and the issuance of a zoning certificate and occupancy permit if required, shall be ten dollars ($10.00) if the total cost of such remodeling, alteration, removal, equipping or repair does not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). If the total cost of such remodeling, alteration, removal, equipping or repair exceeds five hundred dollars ($500.00), such fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00), plus one-eighth of 1% of the total cost of the same in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(Ord. 01-O-1908, passed 9-4-2001)