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Colorado Springs Overview
Colorado Springs, CO Code of Ordinances
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to allow for review of a plan for land disturbance or other activity on a property that will have impacts to grading and erosion control and to assure compliance with Part 7.4.6 (Grading and Erosion Control).
   B.   Applicability: The provisions of this Section apply to all construction activities within the City.
   C.    Grading and Erosion Control Permit Process:
   1 .    Application Submission: The application shall include all materials required in the Engineering Criteria.
      2.   Meetings and Decision: The Stormwater Enterprise Manager shall review the grading and erosion control application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for a Grading and Erosion Control (GEC) Permit or an Associate GEC Permit based on compliance with the standards in Part 7.4.6 (Grading and Erosion Control) and the Engineering Criteria. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: This Section is intended to accommodate the desire of owners or occupants of residential dwelling units to operate accessory home occupations within their residences while mitigating the impacts on neighboring residents and ensuring that there are no substantial adverse effects on the residential character of the residential zone district.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   All Home Occupations shall comply with the standards pursuant to Subsection 7.3.304I (Home Occupation, Accessory).
      2.   A Home Occupation Permit shall be obtained prior to the establishment of a home occupation that:
         a.   Has customers who enter upon the property;
         b.   Generates excessive traffic; or
         c.   Requires a Federal or State license or permit to operate, including the production or sale of firearms or ammunition.
   C.     Home Occupation Permit Process:
   1.     Manager's Decision:
         a.   The Manager shall review the Home Occupation Permit application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the petition in accordance with Subsection 7.5.407D.1 (Manager), the standards applicable to home occupations in Subsection 7.3.304I (Home Occupation, Accessory), and the review criteria in Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval).
         b.   Only a denied Home Occupation Permit may be appealed to the Planning Commission.
      2.   Post-Decision Actions and Limitations: The Manager's decision on a Home Occupation Permit application is subject to the following:
         a.   Change in Operation: If any of the following occur after the approval of a Home Occupation Permit, the applicant shall submit a new application indicating the new or altered home occupation use, and the Manager shall review and make a decision on that home occupation in compliance with the standards applicable to home occupations in Subsection 7.3.304I (Home Occupation, Accessory):
            (1)   Any change in the approved home occupation's operation, including but not limited to expansion of the approved use;
            (2)   Any change in the approved home occupation's scope of business; or
            (3)   Any change to a permitted home occupation use that differs from the home occupation use that was originally established.
         b.   Expiration:
            (1)   A Home Occupation Permit does not run with the property but is issued to the specific owner of the property in a specific location. The permit shall expire upon sale or transfer of the property.
            (2)   In the event of a sale or transfer of the property, if the property owner is relocating within the City and choosing to continue operations, a new Home Occupation Permit for the new location is required. (Ord. 23-03)
7.5.508: SIGN PERMIT:
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to provide a mechanism for enforcement of the sign regulations in Part 7.4.13 (Signs) of this UDC to effectuate their purposes.
   B.   Applicability: Approval of a sign plan and issuance of a Sign Permit is required before erecting any sign as defined in this UDC and not exempted by Section 7.4.1303 (Exemptions). The use requesting the approval of a Sign Permit shall be legally established on the property for which the signage is being requested.
   C.    Sign Permit Review Process:
      1.    Application Submission: In addition to the requirements of Section 7.5.403 (Application Submission), a Sign Permit application shall meet the requirements of Subsection 7.4.1304B (Plan Requirements).
      2.   Manager's Decision: No Sign Permit shall be issued until a Building Permit has been issued, if applicable, in accord with Subsection 7.4.1304G (Issuance of Building Permit). The Manager shall review the application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application in accord with the standards in Part 7.4.13 (Signs), and the review criteria in Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval). (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to allow new development or the modification of existing structures on unplatted lands in certain circumstances.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   This Section applies only to land that meets one or more of the following conditions:
         a.   Land that was developed and within the City on February 13, 1951;
         b.   Land that was annexed to the City after February 13, 1951, but unplatted because platting was not required at the time that the land was developed;
         c.   A developed parcel of land that was created in El Paso County no later than September 1, 1972; or
         d.   Land that was owned by the City and used for park and recreation purposes prior to January 1, 1990.
      2.   Building Permits shall be issued without requiring platting only for a structural addition to one (1) or more buildings that exist on the property if:
         a.   The addition will comply with the provisions of this UDC;
         b.   The addition constitutes no change in land use;
         c.   The addition will not require street extension;
         d.   The addition will not intrude upon setback lines determined by the Traffic Engineer to accommodate any proposed rights-of-way;
         e.   Drainage fees are paid on proposed addition or previous additions that results in an increased floor area exceeding fifty (50) percent the area of the structure(s) existing on July 18, 1975, or the date of annexation if annexation is after July 18, 1975; and
         f.   The owner agrees to dedicate any rights-of-way that would normally be required as a condition of a platting. If dedication is required, the owner shall dedicate the right-of-way by a separate deed and pay for the preparation and recording of the deed after such deed is approved by City Real Estate Services.
   C.    Site Plan to Unplatted Land Review Process:
      1.    Application Submission: The applicant shall submit the number of copies of a site plan with dimensions as required by the Manager, each of which shall include:
         a.   The legal description of the property, taken from the deed to the property, and the recording information (book and page or reception number) of that deed;
         b.   All existing lot lines and easements with dimensions;
         c.   All existing utilities located on the site, clearly labeled;
         d.   Adjacent rights-of-way with dimensions;
         e.   Location, dimensions, and setbacks of all existing and proposed structures, if any, and their floor area;
         f.   Owner's name, address, and phone number;
         g.   North arrow and scale;
         h.   Information on all survey monuments recovered or set and used in determination of property boundaries; and
         i.   A statement reading as follows:
         "Under the provisions of Section 7.5.509 of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs the ownership configuration detailed on this site plan is eligible for the issuance of a Building Permit on unplatted land. Compliance with all other applicable requirements of the City of Colorado Springs and the Regional Building Department is required. Approval of this request pertains only to the application submitted and does not release the applicant from complying with other requirements."
      2.   Manager Action: The Manager shall approve the request only if the request complies with requirements of this Section. If the Manager approves the request, the applicant will be provided a signed copy of the submitted plan. If the Manager denies the request, the Manager shall notify the applicant of the reasons for denial. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to facilitate the permitting of Short Term Rental subject to appropriate restrictions and standards and to allow for varied accommodations and experiences for visitors while retaining the character of residential neighborhoods.
   B.   Applicability: A Short Term Rental Permit shall be required prior to the operation of any Short Term Rental.
   C.    Short Term Rental Process:
      1.    Application: The application for a Short Term Rental Permit shall include the following:
         a.   A safety self-inspection certification;
         b.   A Sales Tax license customer ID;
         c.   The name, address, and contact information, including a 24-hour contact phone number, for the owner, the owner's property manager, or agent within El Paso County, or a Colorado Springs resident who can be contacted in the event of an emergency and respond within one (1) hour;
         d.   Proof of insurance;
         e.   Proof that the use-specific standards that apply to a Short Term Rental in Section 7.3.301C (Short Term Rental) will be met;
         f.   Election of an owner occupied or non-owner occupied Short Term Rental Permit; and
         g.   A statement that the owner has read and understands the rules and regulations for a Short Term Rental.
      2.   Manager's Decision: The Manager shall review the Short Term Rental Permit application and within ten (10) business days after the determination of application completeness approve, approve with conditions, or deny the petition in accord with Subsection 7.5.407D.1 (Manager), the standards applicable to Short Term Rentals in Subsection7.3.301C (Short Term Rental), and the review criteria in Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval).
      3.   Post-Decision Actions and Limitations: The Manager's decision on a Short Term Rental Permit application is subject to the following:
         a.   The Short Term Rental Permit is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance and may be renewed for additional one (1) year periods; and
         b.   The Short Term Rental Permit does not run with the property but is issued to the specific owner of the property. The permit expires upon sale or transfer of the property. The Permit shall not be transferred or assigned to another individual, person, entity, or address, but may be managed by a third party on behalf of the owner. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to provide a mechanism for enforcement of the temporary use regulations that apply to short-term, seasonal, and transient uses such as community festivals, fresh produce stands, and temporary promotions by permanent businesses, but does not apply to Short Term Rentals.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   A Temporary Use Permit shall be required prior to the establishment of any temporary use except:
         a.   Construction office or yard, temporary (included in Building Permit approval);
         b.   Garage sale, temporary; or
         c.   Outdoor display of goods, temporary (except as required by the use-specific standards at Subsection 7.3.305D (Outdoor Display of Goods, Temporary)).
      2.   The Manager shall approve a Temporary Use Permit for an appropriate specified period not to exceed five (5) years. Upon expiration, a new Temporary Use Permit may be requested. If a use extends beyond one (1) year, a Conditional Use Permit may be granted, subject to requirements in Section 7.5.601 (Conditional Use Permit).
   C.   Temporary Use Permit Process:
      1.    Manager's Decision: The Manager shall review the Temporary Use Permit application and within three (3) business days after the determination of application completeness shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application based on its compliance with the standards applicable to temporary uses generally in Section 7.3.304 (Accessory Uses), any use-specific standards applicable to that particular temporary use, and the following criteria:
         a.   The use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, and is compatible with the purpose and intent of this UDC and the zone district in which it will be located;
         b.   The use is compatible in intensity, characteristics, and appearance with existing land uses in the immediate vicinity of the proposed location, and the use, value, and qualities of the neighborhood surrounding the proposed location will not be adversely affected by the use or activities with it. Factors such as location, access, traffic generation, noise, light, dust control, and hours of operation shall all be considered;
         c.   The use is not on City-owned property unless the applicant first obtains approval of a revocable permit under Part 3.2.2 of the City Code authorizing such use;
         d.   Display of merchandise for sale need not comply with the yard and setback requirements of this UDC provided that no merchandise shall be displayed within thirty (30) feet of the intersection of the curb line of any two (2) streets or within the required landscaped setback area;
         e.   Adequate off-street parking meeting the standards in Part 7.4.10 (Parking and Loading) is provided to serve the use, and the use does not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas of any principal permitted uses on the site; and
         f.   A sales tax license is obtained from the City's sales tax office for a temporary use involving the sale of tangible personal property or taxable services. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to provide a mechanism for evaluating whether a change to an Existing Tower or Existing Base Station is an Eligible Facilities Request and for approving Eligible Facilities Requests.
   B.   Applicability: This Section applies to all proposed changes to Wireless Communication Facilities that the applicant seeks to qualify as an Eligible Facilities Request.
   C.   Eligible Facilities Request Process:
      1.   Application Submission: The applicant shall submit the application on a form provided by the City that is limited to the information necessary for a determination of the eligibility for an Eligible Facilities Request. The application may not require the applicant to demonstrate a need or business case for the proposed modification or collocation. Such information may include, without limitation, whether the project:
         a.   Would result in a Substantial Change; or
         b.   Violates a generally applicable law, regulation, or other rule codifying objective standards reasonably related to public health and safety.
      2.   Determination of Application Completeness:
         a.   Applications shall be subject to a review period of sixty (60) days. The sixty (60)-day review period begins to run when the application is filed and may be tolled only by mutual agreement of the City and the Applicant, or in cases where the Manager determines that the application is incomplete. If the Manager determines that the application is incomplete:
            (1)    To toll the time frame for incompleteness, the City must provide written notice to the applicant within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application and specifically identify all missing documents or information required in the application.
            (2)   The timeframe for review continues running again when the applicant makes a supplemental written submission in response to the City's notice of incompleteness.
            (3)   Following a supplemental submission, the City shall notify the applicant within ten (10) days that the supplemental submission did not provide the missing information identified in the original notice. The timeframe is tolled in the case of second or subsequent notices pursuant to the procedures identified in Subsection (1) above. In the case of a second or subsequent notice of incompleteness, the Manager may not specify missing information or documents that were not delineated in the original notice of incompleteness.
         b.   For purposes of determining if a constructed Tower or Base Station is Existing, the Tower or Base Station shall be presumed to have not been approved under a zoning or siting process, or other regulatory review process, unless a Building Permit or other proof of such process is provided by the applicant or by the City.
      3.   Manager's Decision: If the Manager determines that the request is an Eligible Facilities Request, the Manager shall approve the application. If the Manager determines that the Applicant's request is not an Eligible Facilities Request, the Manager shall deny the application, and, notwithstanding any other provision in this UDC, the applicant may immediately submit an application for modification of the WCF. Each decision shall be in writing and supported by substantial evidence in a written record. The applicant shall receive a copy of the decision.
      4.   Post-Decision Actions or Limitations: If the Manager denies an application for an Eligible Facilities Request at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of the review period, the applicant may request reconsideration of the application by submitting a written objection that identifies clear error on the part of the Manager at least ten (10) days prior to the expiration of the review period. If the Manager does not approve the application in writing upon reconsideration, the original denial shall stand as the final decision of the Manager. (Ord. 23-03)