A. Purpose: The purpose of the Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy procedure is to ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of this UDC, the Regional Building Code, and any applicable Utility Codes and City of Colorado Springs Fire Prevention Code and Standards.
B. Applicability:
1. It shall be unlawful to perform any work for which a building permit is required under Section RBC105.1 of the Regional Building Code without first obtaining a building permit.
2. A building permit shall not be issued for the construction or reconstruction of structures upon any land, or the addition to any building or structure situation on any land, unless one of the following applies:
a. The lot is platted;
b. A Waiver of Replat was issued for the land (see Section 7.5.522 (Waiver of Replat));
c. The applicant has acquired an administrative approval under Section 7.5.509 (Site Plan to Unplatted Lands);
d. The proposed alteration is limited to repair or modification of the interior of the structure, commonly known as an interior remodel, or modification of other structural elements exterior to but attached as part of the structure, such as roofing, windows, doors, siding, porch, stoop, stairway, deck, and patio/porch cover;
e. The property is a Lot of Record and one of the following apply:
(1) The addition to the principal structure is no larger than fifty (50) percent of the principal structure gross floor area; or
(2) The gross floor area of the addition of a detached accessory structure(s) is no larger than one hundred (100) percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure ; or the addition of a deck(s) or patio/porch cover(s) or both.
f. The construction takes place on public park lands and all the following apply:
(1) The property is in the PK or PF zone district;
(2) The park was deeded to the City prior to January 1, 1990;
(3) A detailed site plan with required dimensions is submitted with the Building Permit application and shows the existing site improvements and the
proposed improvements in relation to the site and adjacent properties;
(4) The proposed structure benefits the public in general; and
(5) The structure will not require a street extension.
3. A Building Permit may be withheld until utilities critical to the site are installed.
4. It is unlawful to commence occupancy of a structure unless a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued.
C. Building Permit Process:

1. Application Submission: Applications for building permits shall be submitted to the Building Official. If a Development Plan is required for the development in accordance with Section 7.5.515 (Development Plan), an approved Development Plan shall be submitted with the building permit application.
2. Decision by Building Official: The Building Official shall approve an application for a Building Permit only upon determining that the application complies with all applicable requirements. No Building Permit shall be issued until all applicable utility and subdivision fees have been paid.
D. Certificate of Occupancy Process:
1. Application Submission: Applications for Certificates of Occupancy shall be submitted to the Building Official.
2. Decision by Building Official: The Building Official shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy if the Official determines that the structure complies with all City codes and ordinances and the relevant provisions of the Regional Building Code, including Section RBC110 of the Regional Building Code. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to allow for approval of signage plans for a development that varies from the requirements of Part 7.4.13 (Signs).
B. Applicability: The Coordinating Sign Plan procedure applies to development eligible for a Coordinated Sign Plan in accord with Section 7.4.1308 (Coordinated Sign Plan).
C. Coordinated Sign Plan Process:

2. Meeting and Decision:
a. The Manager shall review the Coordinated Sign Plan application and shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application based on the following criteria:
(1) Compliance with Section 7.4.1308 (Coordinated Sign Plan); and
(2) Compliance with Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval)
b. If the Coordinated Sign Plan application is submitted in conjunction with an application that requires review and approval by the Planning Commission, FBZ Review Board, or City Council, such as a Development Plan in conjunction with a zoning map amendment, the Coordinated Sign Plan application shall be reviewed and decided by the decision-making body in conjunction with the other application. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The purpose of the Front Yard Carport Permit is to facilitate the permitting of front yard carports while retaining the character of residential neighborhoods and ensuring that the standards of Subsection 7.3.304C (Carport or Garage, Accessory) are met.
B. Applicability: Approval of a Front Yard Carport Permit is required before erecting a carport in the front yard setback of a property.
C. Front Yard Carport Permit Process:

1. Notice Required: The Manager shall notify vicinity property owners of the application by mailed notice, pursuant to Subsection 7.5.406D.3 (Mailed (Letter) Notice).
2. Manager's Decision: The Manager shall review the Front Yard Carport Permit application and within ten (10) business days after the determination of application completeness and shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the petition based on the following criteria:
a. Compliance with the standards applicable to carports in the front-yard setback in Subsection 7.3.304C (Carport or Garage, Accessory); and
b. Compliance with the Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval).
3. Post-Decision Actions and Limitations: A Front Yard Carport Permit shall expire if construction of the carport has not commenced within one (1) year of the date on which the permit was issued, or after the use commences shall expire upon the subsequent removal or destruction of the carport. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to allow for review of a plan for land disturbance or other activity on a property that will have impacts to grading and erosion control and to assure compliance with Part 7.4.6 (Grading and Erosion Control).
B. Applicability: The provisions of this Section apply to all construction activities within the City.
C. Grading and Erosion Control Permit Process:

1 . Application Submission: The application shall include all materials required in the Engineering Criteria.
2. Meetings and Decision: The Stormwater Enterprise Manager shall review the grading and erosion control application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for a Grading and Erosion Control (GEC) Permit or an Associate GEC Permit based on compliance with the standards in Part 7.4.6 (Grading and Erosion Control) and the Engineering Criteria. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: This Section is intended to accommodate the desire of owners or occupants of residential dwelling units to operate accessory home occupations within their residences while mitigating the impacts on neighboring residents and ensuring that there are no substantial adverse effects on the residential character of the residential zone district.
B. Applicability:
1. All Home Occupations shall comply with the standards pursuant to Subsection 7.3.304I (Home Occupation, Accessory).
2. A Home Occupation Permit shall be obtained prior to the establishment of a home occupation that:
a. Has customers who enter upon the property;
b. Generates excessive traffic; or
c. Requires a Federal or State license or permit to operate, including the production or sale of firearms or ammunition.
C. Home Occupation Permit Process:

1. Manager's Decision:
a. The Manager shall review the Home Occupation Permit application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the petition in accordance with Subsection 7.5.407D.1 (Manager), the standards applicable to home occupations in Subsection 7.3.304I (Home Occupation, Accessory), and the review criteria in Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval).
b. Only a denied Home Occupation Permit may be appealed to the Planning Commission.
2. Post-Decision Actions and Limitations: The Manager's decision on a Home Occupation Permit application is subject to the following:
a. Change in Operation: If any of the following occur after the approval of a Home Occupation Permit, the applicant shall submit a new application indicating the new or altered home occupation use, and the Manager shall review and make a decision on that home occupation in compliance with the standards applicable to home occupations in Subsection 7.3.304I (Home Occupation, Accessory):
(1) Any change in the approved home occupation's operation, including but not limited to expansion of the approved use;
(2) Any change in the approved home occupation's scope of business; or
(3) Any change to a permitted home occupation use that differs from the home occupation use that was originally established.
b. Expiration:
(1) A Home Occupation Permit does not run with the property but is issued to the specific owner of the property in a specific location. The permit shall expire upon sale or transfer of the property.
(2) In the event of a sale or transfer of the property, if the property owner is relocating within the City and choosing to continue operations, a new Home Occupation Permit for the new location is required. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to provide a mechanism for enforcement of the sign regulations in Part 7.4.13 (Signs) of this UDC to effectuate their purposes.
B. Applicability: Approval of a sign plan and issuance of a Sign Permit is required before erecting any sign as defined in this UDC and not exempted by Section 7.4.1303 (Exemptions). The use requesting the approval of a Sign Permit shall be legally established on the property for which the signage is being requested.
C. Sign Permit Review Process:

2. Manager's Decision: No Sign Permit shall be issued until a Building Permit has been issued, if applicable, in accord with Subsection 7.4.1304G (Issuance of Building Permit). The Manager shall review the application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application in accord with the standards in Part 7.4.13 (Signs), and the review criteria in Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval). (Ord. 23-03)