A.   Applicability: The following standards shall apply to all multi-family residential buildings in the R-4, R-5, R-Flex Medium, R-Flex High, OR, MX-N, MX-M, and MX-L zone districts, unless otherwise stated in Subsections B through G below.
   B.   Exceptions: Multi-family dwellings within a mixed-use building shall not be subject to the standards of this Section 7.4.1104, and shall instead be subject to the standards in Section 7.4.1103 (Mixed-Use and Non-Residential).
   C.   Materials:
      1.   Primary exterior finish building materials used on multi-family residential dwellings shall consist of two (2) or more of the following:
         a.   Wood or cementitious siding (including horizontal lap, tongue-and-groove, or board-and-batten siding);
         b.   Stucco or synthetic stucco (including EIFS);
         c.   Natural and cultured stone;
         d.   Brick, split face block, or ground face block;
         e.   Cast concrete;
         f.   Other materials that replicate the look and durability of the above materials, as approved by the Manager.
      2.   EIFS shall not be used to cover more than fifty (50) percent of any façade of a building (excluding façade areas occupied by windows and doors) facing a highway or a public or private street, unless the façade is not visible from that highway or public or private street due to changes in terrain or intervening permitted structures (not including landscaping, fences, and walls).
      3.   In the WUI-O district, all building material shall comply with the City of Colorado Springs Fire Prevention Code and Standards.
   D.   Façade Consistency and Articulation:
      1.   All sides of the façade of a multi-family residential building shall be designed to provide architectural and visual interest and shall provide consistent architectural treatment on all building facades. A consistent architectural treatment is one in which all building walls have defined levels of articulation and use different combinations of the same materials, although facades that face streets or that contain primary pedestrian entrances may include additional features such as doors, windows, canopies, awnings, or arcades.
      2.   Each facade shall be articulated through variations in the following elements:
         a.   Color and use of materials;
         b.   Wall planes that are offset from the main building façade;
         c.   Window and door openings; or
         d.   Other elements that contribute to the visual interest of the building, as approved by the Manager.
      3.   No horizontal length of any façade that lacks variation in its material, color, and/or wall plane shall exceed fifty (50) horizontal feet.
   E.   Building and Entrance Orientation: The orientation of the primary entrance and building façade shall be oriented towards and accessed from the front yard and street. Multi-family residential development located along arterial roadways may orient primary entrances away from the arterial road if direct pedestrian connections are provided from primary entrances to all adjoining roadways.
   F.   Garage and Carport Standards:
      1.   To the maximum extent feasible, detached garages, carports, and garage entries associated with multi-family buildings shall not be located between a multi-family building and an adjacent perimeter street, but shall instead be internalized in building groups so that they are not visible from adjacent perimeter streets.
      2.   Detached garages associated with multi-family buildings shall incorporate materials, color, and details similar to those used on the nearest façades of the primary multi-family buildings.
   G.   Site Elements Adjacent to Certain Residential Uses: If the property is adjacent to a lot in the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, or R-Flex Low zone districts or a lot designated for Single-family Detached, Single-family, or Two-family dwellings in a PDZ district, multi-story structures with balconies, patios, or other public gathering spaces more than twenty-four (24) feet above existing grade shall orient those features to avoid direct views into rear yards of the adjacent R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, R-Flex Low, or PDZ residential lot. (Ord. 23-03)