All development subject to this Part 7.4.12 shall comply with the following standards.
A. Measurements:
1. Initial Lumens: For the purposes of this Part 7.4.12, "lumens" means "initial lumens." The acceptability and shielding restrictions applicable to a particular lamp are decided by its initial lumen output, not wattage.
2. Light Trespass Measurements: Measurements of light readings shall be taken from the midpoint of each property line of the subject property with a light meter at a height of three (3) feet above existing grade and pointed at the light source, and the maximum reading shall be used to confirm compliance with this Part 7.4.12.
B. Prohibitions:
1. Laser Source Light: The use of laser, strobe, or flashing source light or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment is prohibited.
2. Towers: Tower lighting shall not be permitted unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
3. High Pressure Sodium Lights: High pressure sodium lights shall not be used for any type of site lighting.
C. Lighting Standards:
1. Light Trespass: All lighting fixtures shall be installed so that light trespass from any property line, except a property line adjacent to a public street, shall not exceed one (1) footcandle at the property line.

2. Glar e: All light ing fixtu res shall be insta lled so as not to cause glar e at or beyo nd the property line and shall not be aimed toward traffic.
3. Shielding:
a. All lighting fixtures, including wall packs (see figure to the right), except motion detector-activated lighting, shall be fully shielded so that the lighting element is not visible to an observer at any property line, except as stated otherwise in this Part 7.4.12.

b. Unless otherwise specified, all lighting fixtures shall be full cutoff type as installed. Full cutoff light fixtures are those in which no more than ten (10) percent of emitted lumens can be detected at an angle more than eighty (80) degrees from the vertical axis of the light fixture, and no more than two and a half (2.5) percent of emitted lumens can be detected at an angle more than ninety (90) percent from the vertical axis of the light fixture, as shown in this figure.
c. A lighting fixture may beam light upward only if all upward light is reflected back down by a canopy, roof, or other such structure.
d. Full shielding is not required for:
(1) Motion detector activated lighting of less than one thousand, eight hundred (1,800) lumens, provided the light cycles off no more than ten (10) minutes after coming on;
(2) Underwater lighting in swimming pools and fountains.
4. Floodlights and Spotlights:
a. Floodlights and spotlights shall be fully shielded so that the light element is not visible to an observer on any prope rty in a reside ntial zone distri ct or used for reside ntial purposes and is not visible to an observer on any public right-of-way.
b. The centerline beam of a floodlight or spotlight shall be aimed no higher than forty-five (45) degrees above vertical; however, light fixtures that cast illumination over more than ninety (90) degrees shall be aimed such that no light shall be cast above the horizontal.
5. Lighting Efficiency: All exterior light fixtures shall generate at least eighty (80) lumens per watt of energy consumed, as shown on the manufacturers' specifications for the fixture.
6. Parking Lot and Service Area Lighting: The maximum height of light poles and wall-mounted light fixtures to illuminate parking lots and service areas shall comply with the following standards, unless Subsection 7 below requires a lower height:
a. In residential zone districts, twenty (20) feet;
b. In Mixed-Use zone districts, and the BP, LI, PF, and PK districts, thirty-five (35) feet; and
c. In all other zone districts, fifty (50) feet.
7. Lighting Adjacent to Residential Lots: The maximum height of light poles and wall-mounted exterior light fixtures shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in the following circumstances:
a. Light fixtures on a lot containing a multi-family dwelling or a non-residential use that are located within seventy-five (75) horizontal feet of any property line with an adjacent lot in the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, or R-Flex Low zone districts or a lot designated for Single-family Detached, Single-family Attached, or Two-family dwellings in a PDZ district; and
b. Light fixtures on a lot in a Mixed-Use or Industrial zone district that are located within seventy-five (75) horizontal feet of any property line with an adjacent lot in a Residential zone or a lot designated for residential use in a PDZ district. (Ord. 23-03)