Alternative parking requirements may be established as a part of an FBZ regulating plan or as otherwise determined per this Section 7.4.1004.
   A.   Adjustments to Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements:
      1.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Section 7.4.1003 (Parking Space Requirements by Use) shall be reduced by up to forty (40) percent based on the application of one (1) or more of the adjustments listed in Subsections D through M below.
      2.   These adjustments may be applied as part of the calculation of parking requirements and do not require discretionary approval by the City.
      3.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces to be provided for attached and detached single-family and two-family dwellings may not be adjusted pursuant to this Section 7.4.1004.
   B.   Affordable Housing: The Manager may reduce the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A for affordable residential multi-family developments that satisfy the following criteria:
      1.   The development has a minimum of ten (10) dwelling units;
      2.   At least twenty-five (25) percent of the dwelling units are restricted for purchase or occupancy by residents with eighty (80) percent or less of the area median income (AMI);
      3.   The Manager determines that the parking reduction is necessary for the successful completion of the project.
   C.   Senior Housing: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by twenty-five (25) percent for multi-family dwellings that qualify as age-restricted communities under the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act.
   D.   On-Street Parking Credit: Any on-street parking space in which more than one-half (1/2) of the length of the parking space is located between the side or rear property lines, as projected into the street, may be counted toward the minimum number of vehicle parking spaces required by Section 7.4.1003 (Parking Space Requirements by Use) on a one-to-one basis, provided that:
      1.   The street segment is one on which the City (for public streets) or the Land Use Plan (for private streets) allows on-street parking;
      2.   The street segment is not one that is subject to residential parking permit restrictions;
      3.   Any on-street parking spaces for which credit is given shall be available for general public use at all times. No signage or actions limiting general public use of on-street spaces shall be permitted; and
      4.   On-street parking spaces shall be used for vehicular parking only. No sales, rental, storage, repair, servicing of vehicles, equipment or materials, dismantling, or other activities shall be conducted or located in such areas.
   E.   Shared Parking Reduction:
      1.   Where two (2) or more uses listed in Table 7.3.3-A share a parking lot or structure, the total off-street parking requirement for those two (2) combined uses shall be reduced by the percentages shown in Table 7.4.10-B.
Table 7.4.10-B
Shared Parking Reduction
(Percentage of the combined requirements)
Property Use
Multi-family Residential
Public, Institutional, or Civic
Food, Beverage, Indoor Entertainment, or Lodging
Other Commercial
Multi-family residential
Public, Institutional, or Civic
Food, Beverage, Indoor Entertainment, or Lodging
Other Commercial
      2.   To calculate the revised minimum parking requirement, calculate the minimum off-street parking requirement individually for the two (2) uses with the highest off-street parking requirement, and then multiply that sum by the number shown in the cell for that combination of uses in Table 7.4.10-B.
      3.   If more than two (2) uses share a parking lot or structure, the reduction factors in Table 7.4.10-B are applied only to the two (2) uses with the highest parking requirements. The minimum parking required for the third and additional uses sharing the parking lot or facility are then added to the adjustment calculated in Subsection 2 above without further adjustment.
   F.   Transit Proximity Reduction:
      1.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by:
         a.   Ten (10) percent if the proposed development is located within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of any transit stop or transit station with a peak service frequency of fifteen (15) minutes or less; or
         b.   Twenty (20) percent if the proposed development is located within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of a Bus Rapid Transit Station with a peak service frequency of fifteen (15) minutes or less.
      2.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for new development may be reduced by five (5) percent for projects that include, at the applicant's expense, transit shelters of a type and location acceptable to the City, regardless of service frequency.
      3.   No development approved with a transit proximity parking reduction shall be considered nonconforming if the transit line, station, or stop is later relocated or if peak service frequency decreases, resulting in a number of parking spaces that does not meet the minimum requirements that would apply without the transit proximity reduction.
   G.   Public Parking Proximity Reduction: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by ten (10) percent if the applicant can demonstrate that adequate spaces are available in a nearby public parking lot or structure, and that the reduction or elimination of parking requirements will not result in traffic congestion or on-street parking in any nearby residential zone district.
   H.   Bike Route or Trail Proximity Reduction: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by five (5) percent if the subject property is located within six hundred and sixty (660) feet by direct pedestrian access of a City-designated bike route or designated trail that permits bicycle use.
   I.   Electric Vehicle Charging Station Reduction: Each off-street parking space that includes an electric vehicle charging station with a rating of two hundred and forty (240) volts or higher shall count as one (1) vehicle parking space toward satisfaction of minimum off-street parking requirements in Table 7.4.10-A.
   J.   Vanpool, Carpool, or Car Share Reduction:
      1.   Each off-street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a shared carpool or car share vehicle shall count as four (4) spaces toward the satisfaction of a minimum off-street parking requirements in Table 7.4.10-A.
      2.   Each off-street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a shared vanpool vehicle shall count as seven (7) spaces toward the satisfaction of a minimum off-street parking requirements in Table 7.4.10-A.
   K.   Bicycle or Motorcycle Parking:
      1.   In any parking lot or structure that contains more than fifteen (15) motor vehicle parking spaces, two (2) motorcycle parking spaces shall be counted as the equivalent of one (1) of the minimum required vehicle parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A.
      2.   In any parking lot or structure that contains more than ten (10) standard parking spaces, and in which the minimum bicycle parking required by Section 7.4.1007 (Off-Street Bicycle Parking Spaces Required) has been provided, the provision of an additional bicycle rack accommodating at least five (5) bicycles shall be counted as the equivalent of one (1) motor vehicle parking space required by Table 7.4.10-A, up to ten (10) percent of the minimum motor vehicle spaces required by that table.
   L.   Green Infrastructure: The Stormwater Enterprise Manager may approve a reduction in the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A by five (5) percent when green infrastructure measures that comply with the Engineering Criteria are incorporated into site design.
   M.   Other Alternative Parking Adjustment:
      1.   The Manager may approve a reduction in parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A for a reason that is not addressed in Subsections B through K above including the applicant's submittal of a study showing that a lower number of parking spaces will be adequate, if the Manager determines that:
         a.   The proposed reduction will result in parking adequate to meet projected parking demand;
         b.   The parking reduction would not generate significant off-site impacts upon neighboring properties or public rights-of way; and
         c.   The requested parking reduction will not increase risks to the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, or motor vehicles.
      2.   The Manager may approve a reduction smaller than that requested or may attach conditions to an approval of a parking reduction if the Manager determines that is necessary for the reduction to satisfy the approval criteria in Subsection 1 above.
   N.   Minor Modification Required Upon Change of Use: Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 7.4.1002A.3 (Applicability), a Minor Modification to a Development Plan shall be required prior to any change in use that would result in increased parking demand for any property where the minimum parking requirements from Table 7.4.10-A were reduced pursuant to Subsections D through M above. (Ord. 23-03)