Alternative parking requirements may be established as a part of an FBZ regulating plan or as otherwise determined per this Section 7.4.1004.
   A.   Adjustments to Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements:
      1.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Section 7.4.1003 (Parking Space Requirements by Use) shall be reduced by up to forty (40) percent based on the application of one (1) or more of the adjustments listed in Subsections D through M below.
      2.   These adjustments may be applied as part of the calculation of parking requirements and do not require discretionary approval by the City.
      3.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces to be provided for attached and detached single-family and two-family dwellings may not be adjusted pursuant to this Section 7.4.1004.
   B.   Affordable Housing: The Manager may reduce the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A for affordable residential multi-family developments that satisfy the following criteria:
      1.   The development has a minimum of ten (10) dwelling units;
      2.   At least twenty-five (25) percent of the dwelling units are restricted for purchase or occupancy by residents with eighty (80) percent or less of the area median income (AMI);
      3.   The Manager determines that the parking reduction is necessary for the successful completion of the project.
   C.   Senior Housing: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by twenty-five (25) percent for multi-family dwellings that qualify as age-restricted communities under the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act.
   D.   On-Street Parking Credit: Any on-street parking space in which more than one-half (1/2) of the length of the parking space is located between the side or rear property lines, as projected into the street, may be counted toward the minimum number of vehicle parking spaces required by Section 7.4.1003 (Parking Space Requirements by Use) on a one-to-one basis, provided that:
      1.   The street segment is one on which the City (for public streets) or the Land Use Plan (for private streets) allows on-street parking;
      2.   The street segment is not one that is subject to residential parking permit restrictions;
      3.   Any on-street parking spaces for which credit is given shall be available for general public use at all times. No signage or actions limiting general public use of on-street spaces shall be permitted; and
      4.   On-street parking spaces shall be used for vehicular parking only. No sales, rental, storage, repair, servicing of vehicles, equipment or materials, dismantling, or other activities shall be conducted or located in such areas.
   E.   Shared Parking Reduction:
      1.   Where two (2) or more uses listed in Table 7.3.3-A share a parking lot or structure, the total off-street parking requirement for those two (2) combined uses shall be reduced by the percentages shown in Table 7.4.10-B.
Table 7.4.10-B
Shared Parking Reduction
(Percentage of the combined requirements)
Property Use
Multi-family Residential
Public, Institutional, or Civic
Food, Beverage, Indoor Entertainment, or Lodging
Other Commercial
Multi-family residential
Public, Institutional, or Civic
Food, Beverage, Indoor Entertainment, or Lodging
Other Commercial
      2.   To calculate the revised minimum parking requirement, calculate the minimum off-street parking requirement individually for the two (2) uses with the highest off-street parking requirement, and then multiply that sum by the number shown in the cell for that combination of uses in Table 7.4.10-B.
      3.   If more than two (2) uses share a parking lot or structure, the reduction factors in Table 7.4.10-B are applied only to the two (2) uses with the highest parking requirements. The minimum parking required for the third and additional uses sharing the parking lot or facility are then added to the adjustment calculated in Subsection 2 above without further adjustment.
   F.   Transit Proximity Reduction:
      1.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by:
         a.   Ten (10) percent if the proposed development is located within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of any transit stop or transit station with a peak service frequency of fifteen (15) minutes or less; or
         b.   Twenty (20) percent if the proposed development is located within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of a Bus Rapid Transit Station with a peak service frequency of fifteen (15) minutes or less.
      2.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for new development may be reduced by five (5) percent for projects that include, at the applicant's expense, transit shelters of a type and location acceptable to the City, regardless of service frequency.
      3.   No development approved with a transit proximity parking reduction shall be considered nonconforming if the transit line, station, or stop is later relocated or if peak service frequency decreases, resulting in a number of parking spaces that does not meet the minimum requirements that would apply without the transit proximity reduction.
   G.   Public Parking Proximity Reduction: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by ten (10) percent if the applicant can demonstrate that adequate spaces are available in a nearby public parking lot or structure, and that the reduction or elimination of parking requirements will not result in traffic congestion or on-street parking in any nearby residential zone district.
   H.   Bike Route or Trail Proximity Reduction: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A may be reduced by five (5) percent if the subject property is located within six hundred and sixty (660) feet by direct pedestrian access of a City-designated bike route or designated trail that permits bicycle use.
   I.   Electric Vehicle Charging Station Reduction: Each off-street parking space that includes an electric vehicle charging station with a rating of two hundred and forty (240) volts or higher shall count as one (1) vehicle parking space toward satisfaction of minimum off-street parking requirements in Table 7.4.10-A.
   J.   Vanpool, Carpool, or Car Share Reduction:
      1.   Each off-street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a shared carpool or car share vehicle shall count as four (4) spaces toward the satisfaction of a minimum off-street parking requirements in Table 7.4.10-A.
      2.   Each off-street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a shared vanpool vehicle shall count as seven (7) spaces toward the satisfaction of a minimum off-street parking requirements in Table 7.4.10-A.
   K.   Bicycle or Motorcycle Parking:
      1.   In any parking lot or structure that contains more than fifteen (15) motor vehicle parking spaces, two (2) motorcycle parking spaces shall be counted as the equivalent of one (1) of the minimum required vehicle parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A.
      2.   In any parking lot or structure that contains more than ten (10) standard parking spaces, and in which the minimum bicycle parking required by Section 7.4.1007 (Off-Street Bicycle Parking Spaces Required) has been provided, the provision of an additional bicycle rack accommodating at least five (5) bicycles shall be counted as the equivalent of one (1) motor vehicle parking space required by Table 7.4.10-A, up to ten (10) percent of the minimum motor vehicle spaces required by that table.
   L.   Green Infrastructure: The Stormwater Enterprise Manager may approve a reduction in the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A by five (5) percent when green infrastructure measures that comply with the Engineering Criteria are incorporated into site design.
   M.   Other Alternative Parking Adjustment:
      1.   The Manager may approve a reduction in parking spaces required by Table 7.4.10-A for a reason that is not addressed in Subsections B through K above including the applicant's submittal of a study showing that a lower number of parking spaces will be adequate, if the Manager determines that:
         a.   The proposed reduction will result in parking adequate to meet projected parking demand;
         b.   The parking reduction would not generate significant off-site impacts upon neighboring properties or public rights-of way; and
         c.   The requested parking reduction will not increase risks to the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, or motor vehicles.
      2.   The Manager may approve a reduction smaller than that requested or may attach conditions to an approval of a parking reduction if the Manager determines that is necessary for the reduction to satisfy the approval criteria in Subsection 1 above.
   N.   Minor Modification Required Upon Change of Use: Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 7.4.1002A.3 (Applicability), a Minor Modification to a Development Plan shall be required prior to any change in use that would result in increased parking demand for any property where the minimum parking requirements from Table 7.4.10-A were reduced pursuant to Subsections D through M above. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Generally: Accessible parking spaces shall be provided and designed to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
   B.   Number Required:
      1.   Where parking is required under this Part 7.4.10 and except as otherwise provided in this Subsection B, accessible parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the table below. Spaces required by this Section 7.4.1006 shall count toward fulfilling off-street parking requirements unless the minimum required is fifteen (15) spaces or less. One (1) in every six (6) accessible parking spaces with a minimum of one shall be van accessible.
Table 7.4.10-C
Number of Accessible Spaces Required
Number of Parking Spaces Provided
Number of Accessible Spaces Required
Number of Van Accessible Spaces Required
Table 7.4.10-C
Number of Accessible Spaces Required
Number of Parking Spaces Provided
Number of Accessible Spaces Required
Number of Van Accessible Spaces Required
1 - 25
26 - 50
51 - 75
76 - 100
101 - 150
151 - 200
201 - 300
301 - 400
401 - 500
501 - 1,000
2% of total
1/6 of number of accessible spaces required
1,001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
1/6 of number of accessible spaces required
      2.   At least two (2) percent, but not less than one (1) parking space, of each type of parking space provided for attached dwelling unit, multi-family dwelling, group cooperative living, group living residence, dormitory, fraternity or sorority house, retirement home, rooming or boarding house, religious institution, single-family detached, accessory dwelling unit, and two-family dwelling uses shall be accessible.
      3.   At least ten (10) percent, but not less than one (1) parking space, of patient and visitor parking spaces provided to serve hospital outpatient facilities shall be accessible.
      4.   At least twenty (20) percent, but not less than one (1) parking space, of the patient and visitor parking spaces provided to serve human service facilities specializing in treating conditions that affect mobility and outpatient physical therapy facilities shall be accessible.
      5.   This Subsection B does not apply to parking spaces used exclusively for buses, trucks, delivery vehicles, law enforcement vehicles or vehicular impound provided that lots are accessed by the public are provided with an accessible passenger loading zone.
      6.   Attached or detached single-family and two-family dwellings are not required to provide accessible spaces.
   C.   Location:
      1.   Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection C, accessible parking spaces shall be located so as to provide the shortest accessible route to an accessible building entrance unobstructed by curbs, ingress/egress lanes, or other obstacles.
      2.   Where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible entrances.
      3.   In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest route to an accessible pedestrian entrance to the parking facility.
      4.   In multilevel parking structures, van accessible parking spaces are permitted on one level.
      5.   Accessible parking spaces shall be permitted to be located in different parking facilities if
   substantially equivalent or greater accessibility is provided in terms of distance from an accessible entrance or entrances, parking fee and user convenience.
   D.   Dimensions:
      1.   Accessible parking spaces shall comply with the dimensional standards in Table 7.4.10-D. Two (2) accessible parking spaces may share a common aisle and be on either side of the parking space, unless it is an angled van space, which must have the access aisle on the passenger side. Access aisles shall not contain built-up curb ramps.
Table 7.4.10-D
Dimensions of Accessible Spaces
Type of Accessible Parking Space
Minimum Width of Parking Space (ft.)
Minimum Width of Access Aisle (ft.)
Minimum Vertical Clearance (in.) [1]
Van-accessible within private garage [2]
[1]   Vertical clearance requirements apply to parking spaces, access aisles, and vehicular routes and entrances serving them.
[2]   Standards apply to van-accessible spaces located within private garages of any Residential use or Religious Institution use, and the access aisles, vehicular routes, and entrances serving them.
      2.   The length of an access aisle shall be the full length of the parking spaces served as shown in the following pictures:
   E.   Curb Ramps and Accessible Routes: Curb ramps and accessible routes shall be provided that allow unobstructed travel from an accessible parking space to the accessible building entrance. Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (two (2) percent grade) in all directions.
   F.   Markings: Accessible parking spaces shall be marked with four- (4) inch lines. Access aisles shall be outlined and diagonally striped at forty-five (45) degree angles in a contrasting color such as yellow, white, or blue so as to discourage parking in them.
   G.   Signs:
      1.   Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection G, each accessible parking space shall be designated as reserved by an unobstructed sign, centered to the space, showing the International Symbol of Accessibility.
      2.   Van accessible spaces shall have an additional sign containing the designation, "van accessible," mounted below the symbol of accessibility.
      3.   Each accessible parking space sign shall be no smaller than eighteen (18) inches tall by twelve (12) inches wide. Each van accessible sign shall be no smaller than six (6) inches tall by twelve (12) inches wide.
      4.   Signs shall be located at the head of the space with the bottom of the sign(s) between five (5) feet and seven (7) feet above the finish floor or ground surface. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Applicability: The following standards shall apply to all uses except for a detached or attached single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, and manufactured home residential uses.
   B.   Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces Required:
      1.   Generally:
         a.   Each development subject to this Part 7.4.10 shall provide the number of bicycle parking spaces required in Table 7.4.10-E.
         b.   The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required in Table 7.4.10-D shall be based on the total square footage of building gross floor area provided on-site or in a permitted off-site location to serve the principal uses.
         c.   When the calculation of the required bicycle parking spaces results in a fraction, the requirement shall be measured in accord with Section 7.6.202 (Fractions).
Table 7.4.10-E
Minimum Bicycle Parking Requirements
Min. Spaces per 1,000 GFA
Applicable Residential Uses
Civic, Public, and Institutional Uses
Commercial Uses
As determined by the Manager
      2.   When No On-Site Vehicle Spaces are Provided: Where no vehicle parking spaces are provided on-site, one (1) bicycle parking space shall be required for every five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area in each primary building.
      3.   Mixed-Use Development: Developments with both nonresidential and residential uses shall provide the cumulative required number of bicycle parking spaces as calculated for the respective nonresidential and residential requirements in Table 7.4.10-E.
      4.   Bicycle Parking Reduction: The number of bicycle parking spaces may be reduced if the Manager determines that:
         a.   Unique or unusual characteristics exist on a development site that would preclude safe travel of bicycles to and from the site; or
         b.   Existing bicycle parking spaces are located within the public right-of-way and within one hundred (100) feet of the building's main entrance, provided that a minimum of four (4) bicycle parking spaces are provided on-site.
   C.   Bicycle Parking Location and Design Standards: Bicycle parking facilities shall meet the following standards:
      1.   All bicycle parking spaces shall be located in convenient, highly visible, well-lighted areas that do not interfere with traffic and pedestrian movements.
      2.   Required bicycle parking spaces shall be located within twenty (20) feet of a primary pedestrian entrance. Sites with multiple primary pedestrian entrances shall have distributed bicycle parking locations.
      3.   Bicycle parking facilities shall be racks or lockers that are installed and anchored to prevent removal except by authorized personnel.
      4.   Racks shall be of a design that provides for adequate security.
      5.   Where the primary use of the property includes one hundred (100) or more dwelling units or one hundred thousand (100,000) or more square feet of nonresidential gross floor area, at least twenty (20) percent of required bicycle parking spaces shall be in secured long-term storage lockers or areas. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Location:
      1.   Unless otherwise permitted by this Section 7.4.1008, parking or maneuvering areas located within the public rights-of-way shall not be used to meet off-street parking or off-street loading requirements.
      2.   As an exception to Subsection 1 above, parking spaces may be located where an existing motor vehicle must back onto a public right-of-way that is not classified as an arterial street or higher in the following cases:
         a.   The parking space provides parking for an attached or detached single-family or two-family, dwelling; or
         b.   The parking space requires an exiting vehicle to back into an alley, without crossing a public sideway, and the property owner has no other feasible means to provide the required off-street parking spaces.
      3.   Unless placed in a tract for common use or otherwise permitted by this UDC, all required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use.
      4.   Notwithstanding Subsection 3 above, required off-street parking for nonresidential components of a development in the OR, MX-N, MX-T, MX-C, MX-L, or MX-I zone districts may be provided off-site, provided that:
         a.   The applicant provides a recordable zoning commitment stating that in the event the off-site spaces are no longer available, the applicant or property owner will provide an equivalent amount of off-street parking in a location acceptable to the City.
         b.   The off-street parking is located on a site within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of the property for which the parking is provided.
      5.   Access or maneuvering areas may be located on adjacent lot(s) only if a recorded document is provided for common use and maintenance. The easement or tract shall be established by a statement on the recorded plat or separate recorded document. The recorded documents shall state that the easement or tract is to be used and maintained by all the lot owners within the development.
      6.   No part of the off-street parking or maneuvering area for any use, except attached or detached single-family or two-family dwellings, shall
   be located in any portion of any required front landscape setback. In the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, or R-Flex Low zone districts, the parking lots for Religious Institutions shall have a minimum front setback of twenty-five (25) feet. Driveways may cross the required front yards to provide access for off-street parking or loading requirements.
      7.   Automated Parking Facilities are permitted to be utilized for required parking and must either be contained within a building or as approved by the Manager regarding location, design, and screening.
   B.   Dimensional Requirements: Dimensions of all parking or maneuvering areas in open parking lots and inside structures or garages shall be designed as required by the table below, except for accessible parking spaces which shall be designed as required by Subsection 7.4.1006D (Dimensions). The paved depth of parking spaces may be decreased by the overhang dimensions indicated in the following Sections, providing that the conditions are met:
      1.   No sidewalk shall be decreased to less than four (4) feet in width by use of a vehicle overhang.
      2.   No overhang is permitted into a sidewalk that is located within a public right-of-way.
Table 7.4.10-F
Dimensions of Parking Spaces [1]
Standard Spaces
Compact Spaces
Parking Space
Aisle Width [2]
Parking Space
Two- Way
One- Way
Interlocking Spaces
Interlocking Spaces
Table 7.4.10-F
Dimensions of Parking Spaces [1]
Standard Spaces
Compact Spaces
Parking Space
Aisle Width [2]
Parking Space
Two- Way
One- Way
Interlocking Spaces
Interlocking Spaces
22 [3]
1° to 45°
45° to 60°
61° to 90°
[1]   Letters on paragraph correspond to parking lot elements on figure below.
[2]   The access aisle shall have slope requirements of no greater than one-fourth inch rise per one foot of run (1:48).
[3]   End spaces may be a minimum of 20 feet in length where no obstruction exists.
   C.   Compact Spaces: Up to forty (40) percent of the required off-street parking spaces may be compact spaces. However, there shall be no limit on the number of compact spaces that may be provided as additional or surplus parking beyond those required by Sections 7.4.1003 (Parking Space Requirement by Use) and 7.4.1004 (Compact Lot Guest Parking). Required dimensions for compact spaces are shown in Table 7.4.10-F. Each compact parking space shall include a sign or pavement markings identifying it as a compact parking space.
   D.   Cross-Access Between Parcels:
      1.   If a parcel is to be developed for any nonresidential land use, cross-access shall be provided by the property owner to adjoining properties that front on the same street and that are, or may be, developed as nonresidential land uses.
      2.   Cross-access shall be situated parallel to the street right-of-way line adjacent to both parcels. The property owner shall maintain access.
      3.   The property owner shall provide appropriate documentation of a good faith effort to extend the cross-access through all immediately adjacent properties. If such an effort fails, the portion of the cross-access on the subject site shall be developed and designed to enable a future connection to the adjacent parcels in that location.
      4.   Where cross-access is provided, no permanent structures or parking that would interfere with the proposed cross-access shall be permitted. Some improvements such as medians and parking islands may be constructed within the cross-access if it has been demonstrated that adequate circulation and cross-access has been accomplished, and that all applicable standards of this UDC have been met.
      5.   The Manager may waive the requirement for cross-access required above in those cases where unusual topography or site conditions would render no useable benefit to adjoining properties.
   E.   Driveways:
      1.   Generally:
         a.   Any driveways used to satisfy City of Colorado Springs Fire Prevention Code and Standards regulations for fire apparatus access roads shall be designed to meet width, turning radius, and structural design features as required.
         b.   Driveway width shall not exceed twenty-seven (27) feet at the front property line.
         c.   To provide proper clear distance for vehicles when parked on private property, the minimum driveway depth on a lot within the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, R-4, R-5, R-Flex Low, R-Flex Medium, and R-Flex High zone districts shall be twenty (20) feet. Driveway depth shall be measured from one of the following, whichever is closer to the garage door or carport entrance:
            (1)   The front property line; or
            (2)   The nearest edge of sidewalk closest to the home in situations where the sidewalk is located on private property within a sidewalk easement.
      2.   No driveway within the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, R-4, R-5, R-Flex Low, R-Flex Medium, and R-Flex High zone districts shall be less than twenty (20) feet in length; however, if alley or access lane loaded, no driveway may be between twelve (12) and twenty (20) feet in length. An alley or access lane loaded driveway less than twenty (20) feet may not be included in any required parking. Uses Other Than a One or Two-Family Dwelling.
         a.   Any driveway providing access to a parking area for a use other than an attached or detached single-family or two-family dwelling shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width where two-way traffic is allowed and a minimum of twelve (12) feet in width where one-way traffic is allowed.
         b.   For an attached single-family dwelling with more than two (2) units, only one driveway with a maximum twenty (20) foot width at the property line shall be used to provide access to a parking area.
         c.   The location, design, and width of any driveway that intersects with a public street shall be subject to the specifications as outlined in the Engineering Criteria.
      3.   One- or Two-Family Dwelling Units:
         a.   Circular Driveways:
            (1)   Ingress/egress points shall be separated by a minimum of thirty (30) feet, at their closest points measured at the property line.
            (2)   The edge of the drive pavement at the point where it intersects with the street shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from the adjoining property line.
            (3)   In areas subject to Section 7.2.610 (HS-O: Hillside Overlay), circular driveways shall be allowed if they do not result in a loss of significant vegetation and/or natural features. In administering this standard, consideration shall be given to quantity of loss compared to the vegetation/natural features that will remain on the lot or project area.
      4.   Administrative Relief: Administrative relief from this Subsection E may be requested in accord with Section 7.5.524 (Administrative Adjustment).
   F.   Walkways: Parking areas containing one hundred (100) or more parking spaces shall contain walkways in accord with Subsection 7.4.404A.3.a(6) (Through Large Parking Lots).
   G.   Signs: Directional signs for parking, maneuvering or drive areas are subject to the provisions of Part 7.4.13 (Signs). (Ord. 23-03)