34.01 Town Court
34.02 Town Judge
34.03 Maintenance of docket
34.04 Jurisdiction
34.05 Costs
34.06 [Reserved]
34.07 Bonds
34.08 Issuance of arrest warrants
34.09 Issuance of summonses
34.10 Issuance of subpoenas
34.11 Trial and disposition of cases
34.12 Appeals
Charter, Article XI
(A) Establishment of court. There is established a Town Court to be presided over by two Town Judges.
(B) Divisions. The Town Court shall henceforth be divided into two divisions designated as Division I and Division II. If the Board of Mayor and Aldermen should increase by future ordinance the number of persons who shall serve as Town Judge, additional divisions shall be created upon such persons taking office.
(Ord. 2005-20, passed 1-23-06)
(A) Judicial elections.
(1) Judges of the Collierville Municipal Court shall, upon the effective date of this chapter, be elected by a popular vote of the registered voters of the Town to office to serve a term of eight years.
(2) Elections shall be at large and the candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. The first election for Division I Judge shall be held at the time of the next regular August general election following the effective date of this chapter. The Division II Judge's office shall remain vacant until the Board of Mayor and Aldermen appoints a person to fill such vacancy. Such appointed Division II Judge shall remain in office until the time of the next regular August general election following his or her appointment. All subsequent elections for Town Judge pursuant to this chapter and general law shall be held in accordance with Article 7, § 5 of the Tennessee Constitution.
(B) Qualifications. All candidates for the position of Judge of the Collierville Municipal Court shall be 30 years of age or older, a resident of the State of Tennessee for not less than five years immediately prior to the election, a resident of the Town for at least one year immediately prior to the election, and shall be licensed to practice law in the State of Tennessee.
(C) Filling vacancies. In the absence of a Judge of the Collierville Municipal Court, whether caused by resignation, death or disability, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen may appoint a qualified person to serve until the next general election. Disability of a Town Judge shall be determined by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
(D) Special judges.
(1) General sessions docket. In the event a Town Judge shall be unable to sit for good cause, including, but not limited to by reason of health, schedule, vacation or other reasons, a special judge shall be chosen to temporarily serve in his or her absence or temporary unavailability as provided by Tenn. Code Ann.§ 16-15-209.
(2) Municipal docket. In the event a Town Judge shall be unable to sit for good cause, including, but not limited to by reason of health, schedule, vacation or other reasons, a special judge, who is qualified under subsection (D)(1) of this section, or a special judge, who is appointed pursuant to subsections (D)(2)(a) through (c) of this section, shall temporarily serve in such Judge's absence or temporary unavailability:
(a) A Town Judge or, if no Town Judge is able, the Clerk of Court shall appoint a special judge to hold court, preside and adjudicate in the absence of a Town Judge;
(b) A special judge must possess all of the qualifications of a Town Judge of the Collierville Municipal Court; and
(c) A list of five eligible special judges shall be created by each Town Judge for his or her division. Such list shall designate potential special judges in order of priority and shall be maintained by the Clerk of the Court. When necessary, a special judge for a division shall be chosen from such list based upon the order of priority in which they are listed.
(E) Divisions. In any election for the position of Town Judge, all persons shall be required to designate the division of the Town Court to which they seek election and no person shall be permitted to seek election to more than one division in any election.
(F) Compensation. Compensation for the Judges of the Collierville Municipal Court shall be fixed by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and shall not be altered during the term of office. Any adjustment to compensation for the office of Judge must be made not less than 30 days prior to the deadline for qualification of candidates for the next election:
(1) Pursuant to the Charter of the Town of Collierville, it is ordained the Judge of Division I shall receive a salary of $85,000 annually, effective immediately upon his or her taking office after his or her election in August 2022, and that such salary shall be automatically increased to $100,000 annually on August 1, 2026, and shall thereafter remain at such increased amount until changed by ordinance of the Town; such salary to be paid monthly from the General Fund of the Town; and
(2) The salary of the first Division II Judge shall be set by ordinance prior to the Judge’s appointment and shall remain at such amount until changed by ordinance of the Town; such salary to be paid monthly from the General Fund of the Town; and
(3) If otherwise eligible for coverage under the health, medical and life insurance, retirement and benefit plans of the Town, Town Judges shall be afforded the same benefits under such plans, at the expense of the Town, as is generally afforded to other employees of the Town;
(4) This chapter shall take effect upon the taking of office as Town Judge of the person elected to serve as Division I Judge in August 2022.
(Ord. 2005-20, passed 1-23-06; Am. Ord. 2013-15, passed 11-11-13; Am. Ord. 2022-01, passed 2-28-22)
Town Judges shall keep a complete docket of all matters coming before them in their judicial capacity. The docket shall include for each defendant such information as his or her name, warrant and/or summons, numbers, alleged offense, disposition, fines, penalties and costs imposed and whether collected, whether committed to workhouse and all other information which may be relevant.
(Ord. 2005-20, passed 1-23-06)