Unless otherwise authorized or directed in this code or other applicable law, an arrest of a person shall be made by a police officer in the following cases:
(A) Whenever he or she is in possession of a warrant for the arrest of a person;
(B) Whenever an offense is committed or a breach of the peace is threatened in the officer’s presence by the person;
(C) Whenever a felony has in fact been committed and the officer has probable cause to believe the person has committed it.
(`83 Code, § 1-608)
It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully refuse to aid a police officer in making a lawful arrest when such person’s assistance is requested by the police officer and is reasonably necessary to effect the arrest.
(`83 Code, § 1-609) Penalty, see § 10.99
Unless otherwise authorized by law, when any person is arrested, he or she shall be brought before the Town Court for immediate trial or be allowed to post bond. When the Town Judge is not immediately available, or the alleged offender does not post the required bond, he or she shall be confined.
(`83 Code, § 1-610)
The Police Department shall keep a comprehensive and detailed daily record in permanent form, showing:
(A) All known or reported offenses and/or crimes committed within the corporate limits;
(B) All police arrests made;
(C) All police investigations made, funerals convoyed, fire calls answered and other activities of the Police Department.
(`83 Code, § 1-611)
To assist the regular Police Department in the preservation of the peace, the prevention and detection of crime, the arrest of offenders, the suppression of riots and to protect the rights of persons and property, maintain and guard the public health and preserve order at elections; to assist in the execution and return of legal processes, notices and orders of the Town Court, the Town Judge, the Mayor and Town Clerk; and to execute all other processes, notices and orders, there is established a Reserve Division of the Collierville Police Department to be known as the Collierville Police Reserve.
(`83 Code, § 1-1301) (Am. Ord. 2023-03, passed 3-27-23)