   (A)   General requirements.
      (1)   The applicant shall take all actions necessary to extend or create a water-supply district for the purpose of providing a water-supply system capable of providing for domestic water use and fire protection.
      (2)   Where a public water main is accessible, the subdivider shall install adequate water facilities (including fire hydrants) conforming to the requirements and specifications of the Town Engineer and /or State Authorities. All water mains shall be at least six inches in diameter.
      (3)   Water main extensions shall be approved by the Cloverdale Utility Board.
      (4)   To facilitate the above, the location of all fire hydrants, water supply improvements, and the boundary lines of proposed districts indicating all improvements proposed to be served, shall be shown on the preliminary plat and the cost of installing same shall be included in the performance bond to be furnished by the subdivider.
      (5)   The design of all water facilities shall conform to or exceed the standards described in the latest edition of Recommend Standards for Water Works as published by Health Education Service, Inc., Albany, New York, and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management requirements
   (B)   Individual wells and central water systems.
      (1)   In low-density zoning districts, if a public water system is not available, at the discretion of the Plan Commission, individual wells may be used or a central water system provided in such a manner that an adequate supply of potable water will be available to every lot in the subdivision. Water sample test results shall be submitted to the County Health Department for its approval and individual wells and central water systems shall be approved by the appropriate health authorities. These approvals shall be submitted to the Plan Commission.
      (2)   If the Plan Commission requires that a connection to a public water main be eventually provided as a condition for approval of an individual well or central water system, the applicant shall make arrangements for future water service at the time the plat receives secondary approval. Performance or cash bonds may be required to insure compliance.
   (C)   Fire hydrants. Hydrants should be provided at each street intersection and at intermediate points between intersections as recommended by the State Insurance Services Office and the Town Engineer. Generally, hydrant spacing may range from 350 to 600 feet depending on the nature of the area being served as determined by the Town Engineer.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
   (A)   General requirements. The developer shall install sanitary sewer facilities in a manner prescribed by the Town of Cloverdale Construction Standards and Specifications. All plans shall be designed in accordance with the rules, regulations, and standards of the Town of Cloverdale, the latest edition of the Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities as published by Health Education Service, Inc., Albany, New Your, and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management requirements.
   (B)   Sanitary sewerage system requirements. Where provided, sanitary sewerage facilities shall connect with public sanitary sewerage systems and shall be installed to serve each lot to grades and sizes required by approving officials and agencies. Sanitary sewerage facilities (including the installation of laterals in the right-of-way) shall be subject to the specifications, rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Utility Manager and the appropriate State agency.
   (C)   Individual disposal system requirements. If public sewer facilities are not available and individual disposal systems are proposed, minimum lot areas shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance establishing lot areas for individual sewerage disposal systems. Such systems shall be subject to approval by the County Health Department.
   (D)   Selected design criteria.
      (1)   Alignment. All sewers shall be laid with a straight alignment between manholes, unless otherwise directed or approved by the Utility Manager.
      (2)   Manholes. Manholes shall be as specified in the Town of Cloverdale Construction Standards and Section 34 of Recommended Standards For Wastewater Facilities.
      (3)   Sewerage locations. Sanitary sewers shall be located within street or alley rights-of-ways unless topography dictates otherwise. When located in easements on private property, access shall be provided to all manholes. Where sewer lines in private easements cross a public street or alley rights-of-way, a manhole shall be provided in such rights-of-way where possible. Imposed loading shall be considered at all manhole locations. Not less than six feet of cover shall be provided over the top of pipe in street and alley rights-of-way or three feet in all other areas.
      (4)   Cleanouts. Cleanouts will not be permitted as a substitute for manholes.
      (5)   Water supply interconnections. Protection of water supplies and relation to water mains shall be specified in Section 38 of Recommended Standards For Water Facilities.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
§ 157.051 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Required improvements.
      (1)   Sidewalks shall be included within the dedicated, unpaved, portions of the rights-of-way of all streets as shown in Table 4-1.
      (2)   Concrete curbs are required for all streets where sidewalks are required by these regulations or required at the discretion of the Plan Commission.
      (3)   Sidewalks shall be improved to meet the Town of Cloverdale’s building standards. A grassed or landscaped median strip at least two feet wide shall separate all sidewalks from adjacent curbs.
   (B)   Pedestrian accesses. In order to facilitate pedestrian access from the street to schools, parks, playgrounds, or other nearby streets, the Plan Commission may require perpetual unobstructed easements at least 20 feet in width. Such easements shall be indicated on both preliminary and final plats.
TABLE 4-1 
Street Type
Standard Width
All residential:
   Cul-De-Sacs, Local Streets, Collectors, Arterials
4 ft.
   Local Street, Collector
4 ft.
6 ft.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
§ 157.052 UTILITIES.
   (A)   Location. All utility lines, including but not limited to gas, electric power, telephone and CATV cables shall be located under ground throughout the subdivision. Wherever existing lines are located above ground, except on public roads and rights-of-ways, they shall be removed and placed under ground. All utility lines and other facilities existing and proposed throughout the subdivision shall be shown on the preliminary plat or sketch plan in the case of a minor subdivision. Underground service connections to the street property line of each platted lot shall be installed at the subdivider’s expense. At the discretion of the Plan Commission, the requirement for service connections to each lot may be waived in the case of adjoining lots to be retained in single ownership intended to be developed for the same primary use.
   (B)   Easements.
      (1)   Easements centered on rear lot lines shall be provided for utilities (private and municipal). Such easements shall be at least 20 feet wide. In the event that there are two adjoining lots subject to the application of this chapter at the time of approval of the plat, ten feet may be allocated to each adjoining lot, so long at that aggregate easement of the combined individual lot easements meets the total requirements of this chapter. Proper coordination shall be established between the subdivider and the applicable utility companies for the coordination of utility easements with those established in adjoining properties.
      (2)   Where topographical or other conditions are such as to make impractical the inclusions of utilities within the rear lot lines, perpetual unobstructed easements at least 20 feet in width shall be provided along side lot lines with satisfactory access to the road or rear lot lines. In the event that there are two adjoining lots subject to the application of this chapter at the time of approval of the plat, ten feet may be allocated to each adjoining lot, so long at that aggregate easement of the combined individual lot easements meets the total requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   All easements shall be indicated “On preliminary and final plats.”
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
§ 157.053 PUBLIC USES.
   (A)   Parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas.
      (1)   Recreation standards. The Plan Commission shall require that land be reserved for parks and playgrounds or other recreational purposes in locations designated on the Comprehensive Plan or otherwise where such reservations would be appropriate. Each reservation shall be of suitable size, dimension, topography, and general character and shall have adequate road access for the particular purposes envisioned by the Plan Commission. The area shall be shown and marked on the plat as follows: When recreation areas are required, the Plan Commission shall determine the number of acres to be dedicated from the following table, which has been prepared on the basis of providing three acres of recreation area for every 100 dwelling units. The Plan Commission may refer such proposed reservations to the local government official or agency in charge of parks and recreation for recommendation. If approved by such official or agency, the developer shall dedicate all such recreation areas for the benefit of the citizens of Cloverdale as a condition of secondary approval. The maintenance of such recreational areas shall be the responsibility of the subdivision, via its Home Owner’s Association (HOA) if such a body exists. In the event that there is no HOA or if the HOA has become inactive, maintenance of the recreational areas may be undertaken by the town and assessed to the lot owners. Each lot owner will be responsible for the portion of the cost of maintenance of the recreational areas as the percentage that that lot represents of the total lots approved in the plat.
Single-Family Lots Size of Lot
Percentage of Total Land in Subdivision to be Dedicated for Recreation Purposes
80,000 & greater SF
50,000 SF
40,000 SF
35,000 SF
25,000 SF
15,000 SF
         (a)   Minimum size of park and playground reservations. In general, land dedicated for recreation purposes shall have an area of at least four acres. When the percentages from Table 4-2 above would create less than four acres, the Plan Commission may require that the recreation area be located at a suitable place on the edge of the subdivision so that additional land may be added at such time as the adjacent land is subdivided. In no case shall an area of less than two acres be dedicated for recreational purposes where it is impractical or impossible to secure additional lands in order to increase its area. When recreational land in any subdivision is not dedicated or the land indicated in division (A)(1) of this section cannot be provided for due to physical impossibility, the provisions of division (A)(3) of this section shall be applicable.
      (2)   Recreation sites. Land dedicated for recreation purposes shall be of a character and location suitable for use as playground, play field, or other active recreation purposes and shall be relatively level and dry. It shall be improved by the developer to the standards required by the Plan Commission and the cost of the improvements shall be included in the amount of the performance bond. Passive recreation areas along stream valleys may be accepted by the Plan Commission as part of the required area if adequate flat land is also provided for space-consuming recreational activities. A recreation site shall have a total frontage on one or more streets of at least 200 feet, and no part of the site shall be narrower or shallower than 200 feet except for stream-valley and other linear passive recreation areas which shall at no point be narrower than 50 feet. The Plan Commission may refer any subdivision intended to contain a dedicated park to the local government official, department, or agency in charge of parks and recreation for a recommendation. Land may be dedicated to the Town of Cloverdale for park purposes provided that this dedication shall have prior approval of the Town of Cloverdale. Any land so accepted by the Town of Cloverdale shall be shown on the plat as “Dedicated to the Town of Cloverdale for Park and/or Recreation Purposes.”
      (3)   Other recreation reservations. The provisions of this section are minimum standards. None of the preceding subsections of this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting a developer from dedicating other land for recreation purposes in addition to the requirements of this section if such dedications are deemed to be desirable and accepted by the Town of Cloverdale. This includes dedications for public use and maintenance. Nothing in this chapter prohibits the developer from using deed restrictions to establishing ownership in and legal responsibilities for group recreation areas to which lot owners have mutual exclusive access that is in addition to the minimum requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Other public uses.
      (1)   Plat to provide for public uses. Whenever a tract to be subdivided includes a school, recreation area, (in excess of the requirements of division (A) of this section), or other public uses as indicated on the Comprehensive Plan or any portion thereof, such space shall be suitably incorporated by the applicant into his sketch plan. Except when an applicant uses planned unit development procedures in which land is set aside by the developer for public uses as required under those procedures in the Zoning Ordinance. After proper determination of its necessity by the Plan Commission and the Utility Manager or other public agency involved in the acquisition and use of each such site and a determination has been made to acquire the site by the public agency, the site shall be suitably incorporated by the applicant into the preliminary and final plats. Upon such a determination by the Plan Commission, the following procedures shall apply:
         (a)   Referral to public agency. The Plan Commission shall refer the sketch plan to the public agency concerned with acquisition for its consideration and report. The Plan Commission may propose alternate areas for such acquisition and shall allow the public agency 30 days for reply. The public agency’s recommendation, if affirmative, shall include a map showing the boundaries and area of the parcel to be acquired and an estimate of the time within five years required to complete the acquisition.
         (b)   Notice to property owner. Upon a receipt of an affirmative report from the public agency, the Plan Commission shall notify the property owner and the Administrator shall designate on the preliminary and final plats each area proposed to be acquired by a public agency.
      (2)   Duration of land reservation. The acquisition of land reserved by a public agency on the final plat shall be initiated within five years of notification in writing from the owner that he or she intends to develop the land. Such letter of intent shall be accompanied by a site plan of the proposed development and a tentative schedule of construction. Failure on the part of the public agency to initiate acquisition within the prescribed five years shall result in the removal of the “reserved” designation from the property involved and the freeing of the property for development in accordance with these regulations.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
   (A)   General. Existing features which would add value to the type of intended development or to the Town of Cloverdale as a whole, such as trees, watercourses, falls, beaches, historic spots, and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be preserved in the design of the subdivision. No trees shall be removed from any subdivision nor any change of grade of the land affected until primary approval of the preliminary plat has been granted. . The sketch plan shall show the number and location of existing trees, and shall further indicate all those marked for retention and the location of all proposed trees on each lot as required by these regulations.
   (B)   Required shade trees planted by developer.
      (1)   As a requirement for subdivision secondary approval, the applicant shall plant trees on the property of the subdivision. One tree shall be planted for every primary structure along each street unless the Plan Commission, upon recommendation of the Utility Manager, shall grant a waiver. Such waiver shall be granted only if there are existing trees growing along such a right-of-way or on the abutting property which in the opinion of the Plan Commission comply with these regulations.
      (2)   New trees to be provided pursuant to these regulations shall be approved by the Utility Manager and shall be planted in accordance with the regulations (if any) of the Utility Manager Such trees shall have a minimum trunk diameter (measured 12 inches above ground level) of not less than two inches.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
   (A)   General. If a proposed subdivision includes land that is zoned for commercial or industrial purposes, the layout of the subdivision with respect to such land shall meet such special provisions as the Plan Commission finds appropriate and requires. A non-residential subdivision shall also be subject to all the requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. Site plan approval (as provided for under Section 4.12 of this chapter (DOES NOT EXIST) and Section 6 of the Cloverdale Zoning Ordinance) and non-residential subdivision plat approval may proceed simultaneously at the discretion of the Plan Commission. A non-residential subdivision shah be subject to all the requirements of these regulations as well as such additional standards required by the Plan Commission and shall conform to the proposed land use and standards established in the Comprehensive Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, and Zoning Ordinance, except that where lot lines are to be established incrementally they need not be shown on the sketch plan or the preliminary plat for primary approval. All shopping centers and other non-residential subdivisions of buildings for leasehold shall be subject to the relevant provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Standards. In addition to the principals and standards in these regulations which are appropriate to the planning of all subdivision, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Plan Commission that the street, parcel and block pattern proposed are appropriate for the uses anticipated and adequately take into account other uses in the vicinity. The following principles and standards shall be observed.
      (1)   Proposed commercial or industrial parcels shall be suitable in minimum area and dimensions to the types of industrial development anticipated. Proposals for incremental lot by lot subdivisions must be made clear in a statement on the plat which is satisfactory to the Plan Commission.
      (2)   Street rights-of-way and pavement construction shall be adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated to be generated thereupon.
      (3)   Special requirements may be imposed by the Plan Commission upon recommendation of the Town of Cloverdale with respect to street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk design and construction.
      (4)   Special requirements may be imposed by the Plan Commission with respect to the installation of public utilities, including water, sewer, and storm water drainage and preprocessing of sewage.
      (5)   Special requirements may also be imposed regarding the storage and disposal of toxic materials.
      (6)   Every effort shall be made to protect adjacent residential areas from potential nuisance from a proposed commercial or industrial subdivision, including the provision of extra depth in parcels backing onto existing or potential residential development and provision of a permanently landscaped buffer strip where necessary.
      (7)   Streets carrying non-residential traffic, especially truck traffic, shall not normally be extended to the boundaries of adjacent existing or potential residential areas.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )
§ 157.065 BLOCKS.
   (A)   Blocks shall not exceed 600 feet in length.
   (B)   The shape of blocks shall be determined by topographical features, the basic street system and traffic pattern, lot depths and areas for public use.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed - - )