At his or her discretion and with the approval of the planning and zoning commission, the subdivider may elect to combine the preliminary and final plat procedures.
A. Information; Fee Required: Every owner of any tract of land situated within the platting jurisdiction of the village who proposes to lay out any subdivision or resubdivide any portion of an existing subdivision into any parcels, streets, alleys, parks or other portions intended for public use shall:
1. Pay the necessary filing fee to the village clerk/treasurer.
2. Submit five (5) copies of the preliminary plat at least five (5) days prior to the next regular or special planning and zoning commission meeting.
3. Submit a completed application form.
B. Scale: Plats shall be twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36") in size and show north point, scale and date. Minimum scale shall be one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100').
C. Map Information: The preliminary plat map shall contain the following information:
1. The dimensions and acreage of the land to be subdivided;
2. The location of present property lines; existing and abutting streets or roads, utility easements and other easements; and other existing features within and adjacent to the area to be subdivided;
3. Existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto; also, the location and size of the nearest water main, sanitary sewer and other utilities; plats for subdivisions in the extraterritorial jurisdiction shall show location and capacity of water well or wells;
4. Provision for all other requirements of the subdivision regulations, including, but not limited to, planning for terrain management, stormwater management, water supply and delivery, solid liquid waste disposal, streets, roads, emergency vehicle access, utility easements and alleys;
5. Proposed locations with widths of streets, alleys and easements, and width, depth and acreage of lots, parks, parcels and blocks; all lots shall meet minimum lot size requirements;
6. Legal description indicating the range, township and section within which the subdivision is located and lot and block numbers;
7. The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, the name of the subdivider platting the tract and the name of the licensed land surveyor who prepared the plat;
8. The requested zoning classification and property use for the area being subdivided;
9. Contours referred to in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum with intervals of two feet (2') or less in all areas excepting on slopes averaging less than three percent (3%) where one foot (1') intervals shall be required. For slopes over eight percent (8%), five foot (5') contour intervals will be acceptable;
10. Any restrictive covenants governing the subdivision.
D. Recommendation By Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees after examining and reviewing the preliminary oral and written presentation by the subdivider to determine that the Village subdivision regulations and requirements have been considered and are to be followed in the final presentation of a subdivision plan by the subdivider.
E. Board Decision: The Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove the plat. (Ord. 287, 3-9-1999)
Within six (6) months of approval of the preliminary plat, the final plat shall be submitted with two (2) Mylar copies and two (2) paper copies and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch (1" = 100') or larger. Where necessary, the plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. It shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval prior to the submission to the Board of Trustees. The final plat shall show the following:
A. All information required on a preliminary plat;
B. Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets and easements, and property lines of residential lots and other sites; with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles and radii, arcs, and central angles of all curves;
C. Name and right-of-way width of each street or other right of way, with the street name continued if it is aligned with an existing street, with streets and alleys abutting the subdivision drawn in dashed lines and named;
D. Location, dimensions, and purpose of any easements;
E. Number to identify each lot and block or tract;
F. Designation of any lots to be used for multiple dwellings;
G. Purpose for which sites, other than residential lots, are dedicated or reserved;
H. Location and description of monuments;
I. Certification by a New Mexico registered land surveyor as to accuracy of survey and plat;
J. Statement by owner dedicating streets, right of way and any sites for public uses (together with dimensions of same);
K. Title, scale, north arrow and date;
L. Signed approval by authorized representatives of all utilities. (Ord. 287, 3-9-1999)
A. Conditions: When a subdivision consists of no more than two (2) parcels of land or is a replat of previously filed subdivision which does not increase the total number of lots by more than two (2) lots; and
1. All resulting lots meet minimum lot size requirements (see current planning and zoning ordinance);
2. All Municipal liens on the subject property have been paid in full;
3. No provisions are required by the village for utilities, easements, rights of way or drainage;
4. All owners of the subject property have signed the plat and application;
5. None of the lots to be affected by the proposed subdivision have been previously subdivided using the alternate subdivision procedure; and
6. Affected utility companies have signed releases;
then the planning and zoning commission may review the plat and make its recommendation to the board of trustees. If the proposal is ineligible, the commission will promptly notify the applicant that the full subdivision procedure is required. The board of trustees will act on the recommendation of the planning and zoning commission at its next regular or special meeting.
The planning and zoning commission may also review and make recommendations to the board of trustees concerning replats which decrease the number of lots or contiguous parcels in a previously filed subdivision; provided, that the items provided in this subsection A are satisfied.
B. Submission Of Documents: The applicant is required to submit to the village the following:
1. Completed application form, including waiver of public hearing;
2. Payment of the necessary filing fee to the village clerk/treasurer;
3. The original Mylar and two (2) copies of a final plat that meet all the requirements of a final plat in section 10-3-3 of this chapter.
C. Waiver Of Rights Protected: By providing this alternate procedure, the village does not waive its rights to require the applicant to satisfy any or all of the village's usual requirements for subdivision approval. (Ord. 287, 3-9-1999)