General Provisions
155.001 Purpose; subdivision administration
155.002 Definitions
155.003 Land splits
155.004 Procedures of the town on appeals of required dedications or exactions
Platting Procedures and Requirements
155.015 Plat required
155.016 Outline of procedures
155.017 Pre-application stage
155.018 Preliminary plat stage
155.019 Final plat stage
Subdivision Design Principles and Standards
155.030 Conform to requirements
155.031 Public sites
155.032 Land unsuitable for proposed use
155.033 Street location and arrangement
155.034 Street design
155.035 Construction standards and specifications
155.036 Lot planning
155.037 Easement planning
155.038 Street names
Street and Utility Improvement Requirements
155.050 Purpose
155.051 Responsibility for improvements
155.052 Engineering plans
155.053 Construction and inspection
155.054 Required improvements
155.055 Submittal, review and approval of engineering plans
155.056 Assurance of construction of improvements
155.070 Extraordinary conditions
155.071 Appeal and hearing
155.072 Additional requirements