(A) Easements for utilities shall be provided as follows.
(1) Where alleys are provided: four feet for aerial overhang on each side of alley, provided for by dedication but not delineated on plat.
(2) Where no alley is provided: six feet on each side of rear lot lines.
(3) Along side lot lines: six feet on each side of lot line and approximately 35 feet in length measured from the rear lot line in locations designated by the public utility.
(B) For lots facing on curvilinear streets, utility easements or alleys shall usually consist of a series of straight lines with points of deflection not less than 120 feet apart, said points of deflection always occurring at the junction of side and rear lot lines on the side of the exterior angle; however, curvilinear easements or alleys may be employed, providing that the minimum radii of centerlines are not less than 800 feet.
(C) Where an important surface drainage course abuts or crosses the tract, dedication of a public drainageway of a width sufficient to permit widening, deepening, relocating or protecting such drainage course shall be required.
(D) Land within a public street or drainageway, or land within an easement for major power transmission (tower) lines or pipelines shall not be considered a part of the useable lot area except where lots exceed one-half acre in area; provided that this shall not be applicable to land included in utility easements for distribution or service purposes.
(E) Lots arranged to back to major streets, railroads or commercial or industrial districts, as provided in § 155.033(F), shall have a recorded non-access private easement one foot wide along the rear lot line.
(Ord. 01-95, passed 9-21-1995)