§ 155.002  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALLEY.  A public way providing secondary vehicular access and service to properties which also abut upon a street.
   BLOCK.  A piece or parcel of land or group of lots entirely surrounded by public streets, water course, railroads or parks or a combination thereof.
   COMMISSION.  The Planning and Zoning Advisory Commission of the Town of Clifton.
   CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.  An affirmative action by the Planning Commission and the Council indicating that approval of a preliminary plat will be forthcoming upon satisfaction of certain specified stipulations.
   EASEMENT.  A grant by the owner for the use of a strip of land by the public, a corporation or persons for specific and designated uses and purposes.
   ENGINEERING PLANS.  Plans, profiles, cross-sections, specifications and other details of construction of public improvements, prepared by an Arizona Registered Engineer in accordance with the approved preliminary plat and in compliance with public improvement standards.
   EXCEPTION.  Any parcel of land located within the boundaries of a subdivision which is not included in the plat.
   FINAL APPROVAL.  The unconditional approval of a final plat by the Council as evidenced by certification thereon by the Town Clerk.
   GENERAL PLAN.  The Clifton Master Plan.
   LOT.  A piece or parcel of land shown on a plat of record or recorded by metes and bounds that is occupied or intended for occupancy by a use permitted in these regulations and having its principal frontage upon a street.
      (1)   CORNER LOT. A lot abutting on two or more intersecting streets having an interior angle of intersection not exceeding 135 degrees.
      (2)   DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT.  A lot abutting on two non-intersecting streets.
      (3)   KEY LOT.  An interior lot, one side of which is contiguous with the rear line of a corner lot.
   LOT DEPTH.  The distance, measured on a line parallel to the axis of the lot, between a point on the front lot line and a point on the rear lot line which is closest to the proposed or existing dwelling or principal building or any part thereof.
   LOT LINE.  A line bounding a lot.
      (1)   FRONT LOT LINE.  The lot line coinciding with the street line; or, in the case of a corner lot, the shortest of two lot lines coinciding with street lines; or, in the case of a double frontage lot, both lot lines coinciding with street lines.
      (2)   REAR LOT LINE.  The lot line opposite and farthest from the front lot line; for a pointed or irregular lot, the rear lot line shall be an imaginary line, parallel to and farthest from the front lot line, not less than ten feet long and wholly within the lot.
      (3)   SIDE LOT LINE.  Any lot line other than a front or rear lot line; in the case of a corner lot, the lot line abutting the side street is termed an EXTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE; all other side lot lines are termed INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINES.
      (1)   In the case of a rectangular lot or a lot abutting on the outside of a street curve, the distance between side lot lines, measured at the minimum front setback line parallel to the street or street chord.
      (2)   In the case of lot abutting on the inside of a street curve, the distance between side lot lines measured at the rear line of the dwelling, or when there is no dwelling, 30 feet behind the minimum front setback line, parallel to the street or street chord.
   MAJOR STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES PLAN.  The part of the general plan which provides for development of the major streets and highways system of the town.
   OWNER.  The person, corporation or other legal entity, holding title to land by deed, or as vendees under land contract, or holding other title of record.
   PLAT.  A map of a subdivision.
      (1)   PRELIMINARY PLAT.  A map, including supporting data, of a proposed subdivision prepared in accordance with § 155.018(E).
      (2)   FINAL PLAT.  A map of a subdivision prepared in accordance with § 155.019(E).
   PRELIMINARY APPROVAL.  Unconditional approval of a preliminary plat by the subdivision committee, as evidenced by meeting minutes and noted upon copies of the plan.
   PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS.  A set of regulations establishing specifications and instructions to be followed in planning, design and construction of certain public improvements, formulated and enforced by the Town Engineer and duly approved by the Council.
   PUBLIC UTILITY.  Underground, above ground or overhead facilities furnishing to the public under state or municipal regulations, electricity, gas, steam, communications, water, drainage, flood control, irrigation, garbage or trash disposal and sewage disposal; also, such person, firm, corporation or municipal department or board, as the context indicates.
   RESUBDIVISION.  The redesign or recombination of a group of lots of record, or of an entire recorded subdivision, not involving a new street and not creating any additional lots; or, the division into more than two parts of any lot, tract or parcel of land, the boundaries of which have been fixed by a recorded plat, whether or not a new street is involved; provided, however, that the transfer of ownership of parcels or strips of land to or between adjoining property owners where such transfer does not create additional lots, shall not be deemed RESUBDIVISION.
   STREET.  Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, place, drive or right-of-way which is an existing state, county or municipal roadway; or, a vehicular access way shown in a  plat which has been approved by the Town Council and duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder. A STREET includes all land within the right-of-way whether improved or unimproved, pavement, shoulders, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, parking space, bridges, viaducts, lawns and trees.
      (1)   ARTERIAL ROUTE.  A general term including freeways, expressways, major arterial streets and interstate, state or county highways and usually section line roads.
      (2)   COLLECTOR STREET.  A street with limited continuity serving the primary function of carrying traffic from local streets to arterial routes, and the secondary function of providing access to abutting properties.
      (3)   CUL-DE-SAC STREET.  A short local street having one end permanently terminating in and including a vehicular turning area.
      (4)   LOCAL STREET.  A street serving the primary function of providing access to abutting property.
   STREET LINE. A line describing the boundaries of a street right-of-way.
   SUBDIVIDER.  The person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, syndicate, trust or other legal entity that makes application and initiates proceedings for the subdivision of land in accordance with these regulations; provided, that an individual serving as agent for such legal entity shall not be deemed the SUBDIVIDER.
   SUBDIVISION.  The division for lease, transfer of ownership, or building development of a tract or parcel of land into five or more lots, tracts or parcels; or, if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land; or, resubdivision of land heretofore divided or platted into lots, tracts or parcels; provided, that the partitioning of land, in accordance with state statutes regulating partitioning of land held in common ownership, shall not be deemed a SUBDIVISION. The term SUBDIVISION is not limited to division of land for single-family residential uses and shall include, within the limitations of the foregoing definition, commercial and industrial subdivisions and certain types of divisions of multi-family residential properties. Condominiums, cooperatives, townhouses or similar projects containing five or more parcels, in which an undivided interest in the land is coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy of any unit located thereon, are SUBDIVISIONS within the foregoing definition.
   SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE.  The committee established pursuant to § 155.017(A), and shall consist of the Town Engineer, the Director of Public Works and the Director of the Planning Department.
   USEABLE LOT AREA.  The portion of a lot useable for or reasonably adaptable to the normal use for which the lot is intended, and not including area which is covered by water, is excessively steep, or has its normal use restricted by certain types of easements.
(Ord. 01-95, passed 9-21-1995)