§ 223.03 License Application
   Any applicant for a public laundry license shall make application in writing to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses upon City forms. The application shall set forth the name of the applicant, and if a corporation, the name and residence of the principal officers, and the location for which the license is desired. The applicant shall also state such other information as the Commissioner may require. Upon the filing of such application with the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses, he or she shall transmit the same to the Commissioner of Environmental Health for investigation and report.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
§ 223.04 Investigation; License Issuance and Posting
   Upon receipt of an application, the Commissioner of Environmental Health shall make an examination of the premises described in the application. If the Commissioner finds upon examination that the proposed laundry is so constructed and located that it can be operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, he or she shall endorse his or her approval on such application, and a license shall be issued to the applicant upon payment of the license fee. Every license granted shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the laundry for which issued.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
§ 223.05 Cleanliness, Ventilation and Plumbing
   Every laundry shall be kept in a reasonably clean and sanitary condition as to its floors, side walls, ceilings, woodworks, fixtures, tools, machinery and utensils. All rooms used in connection with such laundry shall be provided with adequate ventilation by means of windows, air shafts, air ducts or other mechanical apparatus, so as at all times to insure a free circulation of fresh air in such laundry. The laundry shall be arranged so that all water upon the floor of any washroom will immediately run into drains or gutters, to be connected with City sewers. Every laundry shall be provided with adequate plumbing and drainage facilities, including suitable wash sinks and water closets.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)