§ 186.05 Selection of Art
   (a)   Selection Process. The City Planning Commission, through its Public Art Committee, shall solicit, review and select artwork according to the following provisions:
      (1)   Community Participation. The Public Art Committee shall engage local residents, other local stakeholders, and the local City Council member in the process of selecting public art for a particular location. As required in Section 186.04, two (2) community representatives appointed by the local Council member shall be added to the Committee as voting members for the purpose of project selection.
      (2)   Project Concept. The Committee shall work with the applicable department and the project design team to establish the goals for each public art project, including suitable locations and appropriate formats.
      (3)   Selection Method. The Committee shall recommend to the City Planning Commission the most appropriate method of selecting each public art project. Possible selection methods include open competition and invitational competition.
      (4)   Submission Options. The Committee shall recommend to the City Planning Commission submission requirements for each public art project.
      (5)   Approval. The Public Art Committee shall make its recommendation for a public art project to the City Planning Commission or Landmarks Commission, as applicable, which shall make the final determination. Alternatively, the Committee or the Commission may choose to make no selection and to re-open the competition. The Public Art Committee's recommendation to the City Planning Commission or Landmarks Commission shall substitute for the otherwise applicable design review advisory committee recommendation to the Commission.
   (b)   Selection Criteria. In selecting artwork, the Public Art Committee and the City Planning Commission shall consider, among others, the following factors: artistic quality, appropriateness of the artwork to its context, durability and resistance to the environment and vandalism, safety, feasibility of implementation, and the contribution the art makes to a citywide public art collection that reflects the diversity of the community and a diversity of forms of artistic expression.
   (c)   Representation of Local Artists. It is the intent of the City that at least fifty percent (50%) of the art installed under this chapter be created by artists living or working in the City of Cleveland. Achievement of this goal shall be measured in five (5) year increments.
(Ord. No. 166-13. Passed 5-13-13, eff. 5-16-13)