§ 181.37 Subcontractors and Suppliers
   (a)   The contractor shall not sublet nor shall any subcontractor commence performance of any part of the work included, or any subcontractor or supplier fabricate or deliver materials or supplies to or for the contractor under the contract, without the previous written consent of the Board of Control. Subcontracting, if permitted, shall not relieve the contractor or his or her surety of any of his, her or its obligations under the contract.
   (b)   Failure by the contractor to obtain consent of the Board of Control for any subcontractor or supplier shall be a breach of the contract for which the contractor may incur a penalty.
   (c)   The contractor shall be and remain solely responsible to City for the acts or faults of his or her subcontractor and of such subcontractor’s officers, agents and employees, each of whom shall, for this purpose, be deemed to be the agent or employee of the contractor to the extent of his or her subcontract. The contractor shall promptly, on request of the City file a conformed copy of the subcontract with prices deleted, as a condition precedent to the approval of a subcontractor. The contractor and subcontractor shall jointly and severally agree that subcontracting does not obligate the City to pay, or to see to the payment of any sums to any subcontractor.
(Ord. No. 792-03. Passed 6-10-03, eff. 6-12-03)