§ 181.13 Purchases of Surplus Federal Commodities
   The Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies is authorized to purchase from the United States or any instrumentality or agency charged with the disposal of surplus commodities, any materials, supplies or equipment which may be determined by the Board of Control to be necessary or desirable for any of the several departments of the City at the price fixed by the United States or instrumentality or agency thereof. When any department receives a Federal grant, the Commissioner may utilize procurement sources available throughout the General Services Administration Agency of the United States prior to private source procurement in the expenditure of Federal grant money. All purchases under this section of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or less shall first be authorized by the Board of Control and a written report of every purchase shall be filed with Council forthwith.
(Ord. No. 1737-08. Passed 12-8-08, eff. 12-10-08)